Chapter Fourteen

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“What are we going to do?” Kellin asked frantically.

“I am going to talk to her but just go and get Katelynne please!” I said and instead of giving each other sweet kisses we didn’t and I went after Arabella. I ran around the house and didn’t see her until I saw her at the swing with Liam besides her comforting her as she cries into his shoulder. It’s horrible seeing your child cry and knowing you were the cause of it and it definitely breaks my heart. I walked over and looked at Liam as he smiles walking away giving us some time together and I can tell that he doesn’t know anything. “Look Arabella what you saw-“

“It wasn’t what it looked like, like any stupid person says. Don’t worry, I’ve heard it before,” she snapped and I know it was going to say that but what else was I supposed to say?

“I know what you saw was true and I know you are mad at both of us but I just want you to not say anything to the boys or anyone please Arabella,” I pleaded and she looked at me wiping her ongoing tears off her cheeks.

“I won’t say anything,” she started and I sighed a relief. “But I want you guys to break it off. Kellin and Katelynne are perfect for each other and they’re also married. I don’t want you ruining their life,” Arabella has the responsible attitude like I do. She has a way with words like my mother have but for me, it’s harder to talk like this. I understand where she’s coming from though. I have ruined Kellin and Katelynne’s relationship since I moved here and I’m super sad but love comes and goes I guess.

“I am going to find a place to get away from here but…Kellin and I have got something and I will have to talk to him about it,” I said and she got up from the swing.

“You know what mum you are a SKANK! You come here and ruin people’s lives!” she shouted.

“Excuse me you should not speak to your mother like that!” I ordered back like what a mother should be doing.

“You were never a mother to me! Instead you gave me up! You know what…I HATE YOU REBEL TRACKS!” She screamed.

“Maybe if I wasn’t raped you wouldn’t be here!” I screamed back and instantly regretted everything I said. I watched her look at me for a little bit with new tears spilling out her eyes and ran out the back garden and probably going home but I didn’t go after her. It was my turn to break down on the swing. I felt horrible about everything and after a while I decided to pack my things. I needed to get out of here. I ran back inside and went into my room and ignored Liam’s questions as I started packing my shit and getting ready to go somewhere to stay and I called him. “Cam, I need a place to stay.” I said and I hung up after he said it was okay. I got my stuff downstairs and looked at Rowan with sparkly blue eyes.

“Where you going Rebel?” he asked sadly.

“Rebel has to leave,” I said.

“But why do you have to leave? I will stop singing that stupid song; I will be better at helping you. Please don’t go!” he cried holding onto my leg for dear life. I ignored his pleads and continued sorting the final bits sorted for his food.

“I’m not leaving right now, I will give you your food and once your parents home I will leave,” I said and he nodded his head slowly and got off my leg as I laid down his food. He sat on his stool and ate his food as I got Copeland and fed her. Liam soon came down with a confused expression on his face.

“Where is Arabella?” he asked and I tensed.

“Arabella and I had a little argue and she has gone home,” I said not letting in any detail.

“How come?” he asked.

“Just mother, daughter stuff don’t worry she’ll be fine,” I said but I know she won’t be fine at all. We ate our food and soon Katelynne and Kellin came in.

“Rebel why is your stuff here?” Katelynne asked confused.

“I found myself a place,” I fake-smiled and she smiled hugging me squealing.

“That’s brilliant Rebel why don’t I take you there?” she smiled and I shook my head.

“Don’t worry Cam’s going to pick me up and take me there because he still has a few things of mine to put in,” I lied and hugged her again.

“Are you going now?” Kellin asked and I nodded my head losing eye contact. I got my stuff and I got to the door looking at the Quinn family looking nearly as happy and I knew I broke their family. Kellin looked at me sadly and I smiled knowing we still need to talk about it but for now what has happened today has been eventful and I still need to make it up with Arabella but I know she will need some time to think about it. A car beeped outside and I know it’s Cam.

‘Well I guess be going now,” I said motioning to the car outside. Liam and Rowan came up to me and hugged me.

“It will be weird not having you here to stay with.” Liam said into my shoulder.

“Will you still be out babysitter?” Rowan asked and I looked at Katelynne as she nodded her head.

“You won’t be losing me that quickly.” I laughed and kissed Copeland. I hugged Katelynne and Kellin as he whispered in my ear ‘we need to talk’. I waved everyone goodbye before closing the door behind me and walking over to Cam’s car as he smiled at the boot (A/N Trunk) already opened. I put my stuff and walked into the passenger seat.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

“Not here.” I said and before he set off I saw Kellin peering out the window with a tear rolling down his cheek.

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