Chapter Twelve

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It was sad to take Arabella back home but I will see her maybe during the week and maybe another sleepover on the weekend. It was Sunday and Kellin wanted to do something for our 1-week anniversary and yeah it’s only been a week but since we’ve never been on a date he’s going to take me out. The children are going to be with Katelynne’s parents again but we said that we have to do something to pick something up in another state and it has to be at night but I think they fell for it so it was okay. I had to dress suitable for the date so I put on a nice blouse and some blue skinny jeans. I put on my black vans and curled my hair.

Kellin was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and gasped at me. “You look amazing,”

“You look nice too,” I said. He wore a nice vest top and black skinny jeans and his black TOM shoes.

“Should we get going my lady?” he asked in an English accent as I hooked my arm through.

“Yes we shall.” I said and he smiled opening the door for me and walked to his car. He opened the passenger car door for me and closed it after I got in thanking him for his gentlemen side.

We drove to a nice restaurant and beside were a nice beach. We walked into the restaurant and we were both not suitable dressed for this type of restaurant. We sat at our table and it was nice food and very pricey but Kellin wanted to spend a lot of me and I felt thankful for that.

After dinner we dropped our stuff at the car and our shoes and walked along the sand at the beach. It was nice and the sunset was setting while we walked with our hands intertwined with our fingers and our hands felt like jigsaw pieces finishing the picture. “Thanks for this amazing date Kellin,” I said.

“It’s fine I’ve never done something like this before, normally with Katelynne we just have dinner and then leave,” he said and I smiled.

“Has she called you today?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“Twice but she wants to talk to the children as I explained the situation to her,” he said.

“Do you think that we should be doing this because we are going out but your married with a child,” I said.

“I’ve never felt like this before but you’re special Rebel and I really like you,” he said and stopped holding my waist.

“I like you too but I don’t like hiding around and what happens when Katelynne finds out. I’m supposed to be her best friend!” I exclaimed.

“We just won’t be around much together but when we have spare time together I will make the most of it to be together with you Rebel,” he said truthfully and I smiled looking into his eyes.

“Thanks Kellin a lot, maybe I can move out sooner so you can always come to my place or something?” I grinned.

“Even though how much I love that idea I really don’t want you to leave the house,” he whined and I giggled.

“It will be fine I promise,” I said and looked at the now dark sky.

“Hey why don’t we go in the water?” Kellin said and before I could respond he was already stripping off leaving him in his boxers and I kept staring at his thin but healthy body showing his chest tattoo. “What are you waiting for c’mon!” he yelled running into the sea and I can just tell it was going to be cold. I stripped off leaving me in my underwear and when he wasn’t looking at me I sprinted into the water screaming of coldness. I reached over to him and I noticed that I was too short so I balanced myself on my tiptoes. I felt warm hands around my bum as I wrapped my legs around his waist looking down at him.

“I’m so small,” I whined pouting.

“But your beautiful,” he whispered near my neck as he kissed my neck as I moaned. “I want to take everything slow okay?” he whispered kissing my check.

“Okay and I agree on it too,” I said kissing his cheek.

“You’re cold.” he said.

“I want to do one thing first okay?” I smirked and I leaned in kissing him forcefully. Our tongues battled and I smiled into it love the feeling inside of me when our lips connect.

We walked back to the shore and we put our clothes on even though we didn’t dry off. I smiled getting back into the warm car and going back home.

The kids were off to bed since their was school the next day and I cuddled with Kellin watching the TV until we fall asleep in my own bed not having the warmth keeping me warm.


This chapter is dedicated to @XRebelXLoveXSongX2 for the date idea and check out her amazing stories.

I won't be updating next week because i'm on holiday and then school starts again *goes in a corner and cry* but I will try my best to update.

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