Chapter Seven

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Kellin and Katelynne were working today so I looked after the kids and since it's a horrible day we stayed inside. Copeland wanted to walk around the house and since she can't really walk in case she hurts herself, I was behind her watching her every move. I wondered when Kellin would take me on a date. I know I should think about Katelynne but I've never felt this way about someone before. "Can we watch SpongeBob?" Rowan asked me as Copeland and I got into the living room. I nodded my head and he grabbed the remote and put on SpongeBob.

"What's Liam doing?" I asked Rowan.

"He's doing homework I think." He said and I thanked him putting Cope into her play square thing and walked upstairs into Liam's room. I knocked on the door and I heard a come in as I walked in his music blasting through the speakers and he wasn't doing homework but instead he was on his phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him sitting on the end of his bed.

"On my phone," he said concentrating on the screen.

"Is that a girl?" I asked took his phone and quickly looked at the pretty girl on his phone. He climbed over me reaching out to get his phone but I was aweing at Liam's little crush. "Is this your girlfriend?" I asked and he snatched the phone out of my hands and put it into his pocket.

"Not...yet..." he trailed off quietly as I awed loudly. "Shut up Rebel I don't want Rowan knowing," he blushed and I smiled giving him a hug.

"If you want to talk to me about anything I'm here okay?" I asked him and he nodded his head kissing my cheek and sitting on the top of his bed. "How long have you liked her for?" I asked

"Do we have to speak about this?" he whined and I nodded my head smirking. "A while now. She's moved here a few months ago and I really like her a lot. I'm thinking of asking her to the homecoming dance a few weeks away but I want to do it special you know?" he said and I nodded my head.

"Maybe ask her out on a date or something to the park or a movie and then ask her then?" I asked and he beamed hugging me tightly again.

"Yes that's brilliant thank you Rebel!" he said and I smiled.

"What's the girl's name?" I asked.

"Her name is Arabella Sparks," he said and I stopped smiling and looked at him widened my eyes.

"C-can I see a picture of her again." I stuttered and he happily gave me the phone and her blue eyes and red hair looked at me as I smiled a tear slipping out of my eye.

"Are you okay Rebel?" he asked and I quickly wiped it away and smiled nodding my head before leaving his room and outside letting the raindrops fall onto me as I ran to the bottom of the garden swinging on the swing and I broke down. I let my cries known as I squeezed my fist together in front of my eyes. I've never cried like this then the last time...I couldn't say it.

After what feels like an eternity I saw the clouds open up and the sun shining down at me as I wanted to just walk up there and be happy watching the good thing happening around the world. I walked back inside and Kellin walked into the door and looked at me. "Rebs?" he asked and I couldn't take it again and broke down again as he caught before landing onto the hard ground. "Shh let it all out," he cooed into my ear rocking me back in forth like a baby.

"S-she's all g-grown u-up," I stuttered.

"Who Rebel?" he asked but I kept spluttering out words as I crumble to the ground.

"I should've spoken to her now," I said.

"Who is it?" he asked again and I can see he was going to get super annoyed but I couldn't say it just yet.

"She's so beautiful..." I trailed off.

"Do I know her?" he asked but I shook my head.

"I need to get her details," I said and got up rubbing my eyes and walking back to Liam's room. "Can I get her number please?" I asked and he nodded his head probably not wanting to upset me and I typed her number into my phone and thanked him before walking out.

"Rebel who is this girl that's making you upset?" I ignored his questions and texted her.

'Hi you probably won't know me but I'm Rebel Tracks and I was wondering if I could get your parents numbers so I can speak to them please?'

I typed and sent it to her and nicely she replied back giving them to me and I know she will be creeped out but I need to call them up. I wonder if there still together because they were really nice people. Before I called them Kellin put the phone down and looked into my eyes. "Rebel I need to know who you are going to call and why you were upset okay?" he asked softly and I know I need to tell him sooner or later.

"Liam has a crush on my..." I trailed off not sure if I should go on.

"Who does he have a crush on Rebel?" Kellin asked.

"My daughter...Arabella Sparks is my daughter..." I trailed off and swallowed the lump in my throat finally letting the truth out.

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