Chapter Nine

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Someone was shaking me trying to wake me up. “Wake up Reb, were going to see Arabella today,” Kellin whispered. I looked at him and smiled as he kissed my nose. “Get ready sweetie.” he said and I obeyed shooing him out of the room and getting changed into something more adult like. A nice woolly cream coloured jumper and nice blue jeans. I curled my long hair and placed a nice red beanie. I applied mascara and eye liner and I was ready to go.

I was already downstairs after brushing my teeth and added perfume and decided to get food after seeing Arabella. Katelynne was already gone to work and thankfully Liam and Rowan were at school and Copeland was at Katelynne’s friend. We got into the car and drove to Arabella’s house. “Don’t worry everything is going to be okay.” Kellin said squeezing my knee. I nodded my head pushing out a smile but really I was absolutely crapping myself. What in case I make a horrible job?

We arrived at the modern house that really looks like a family house with toys in the front garden. I got out the car and looked at the red door opposite me. “Rebel, there expecting us let’s go.” Kellin said slightly tugging on my arm as I walked with him to the door. I let out a huge breath and knocked on the door standing away while I heard footsteps coming towards it.

Suddenly someone opened the door and there was my daughter. Arabella. She was beautiful; luscious red curly hairs cascading down her front, blue eyes like mine and then her smile made her look like a sweet girl. “Hello, do you want my mum or dad?” her petite voice asked.

“Yes if you don’t mind,” I smiled and she smiled back shouting for either mum or dad. Soon the lady that I met 12 years ago walked round and she squealed hugging me tightly.

“Rebel it’s so good to see you back and my, you are still beautiful,” I blushed at Mrs Windsor’s comment and hugged her tightly too. She and her husband Mr Windsor were my favourite couples out of the adoptees and with their loving natured personalities I was glued to them. When Mrs Windsor told me she couldn’t have any children my heart melted at the horrible feeling of hearing something for someone that couldn’t produce any life.

“Thank you Mrs Windsor,” I smiled.

“Rebel now what do I keep saying to you, it’s Barbra and hello you probably already know me and you are?” she asked looking at Kellin with a kind smile with wrinkles around her green eyes.

“Kellin, I’m her friend,” he smiled shaking her hand.

“Kellin’s a really nice name, I’ve always wanted to call my child that name but sadly I didn’t…” she trailed off looking at the ground. “Well come in darlings and I will make you some tea in the kitchen. Arabella go and call your father to get off the blinking computer and meet Kellin and Rebel please,” she said and Arabella obeyed like a good girl. We walked into the house and into the kitchen to see the kettle already boiling.

“Nice kitchen Barbra,” Kellin said looking around and taking a seat next to me.

“Thank you if it wasn’t for Michael it would be a tip,” she giggled and I mouthed ‘husband’ to Kellin so he knows whose she’s talking about. Soon another pair of footsteps walked in and I smiled at Mr Windsor as he grins back.

“Hello stranger it’s been too long,” he chuckled and I smiled hugging him. He introduced himself to Kellin and they were talking about something else and I think it was the sleeve of tattoos on his exposed arms.

We got our cups and we all sat down with Arabella on Mr Windsor’s knee. “How’ve you been Rebel?” Mr Windsor asked me.

“Honestly I’ve been better. Cam and I split up and Kellin’s wife Katelynne took me into their household until I find a new place,” I said smiling at Kellin.

“So Kellin you’re married, how long?” Mrs Windsor asked.

“Only a few months, we’ve been married since April but we’ve been together for years,” he smiled. (A/N I’m not sure when Katelynne and Kellin got married this year but just pretend its April) A shot of jealously moved into my stomach as he was talking about his marriage.

“Wait! Are you Liam’s step father?” Arabella piped in as Kellin smiled nodding his head. “That’s awesome, I’ve heard you’re in a band too? Sleeping with Lions…”

“Sleeping with sirens,” Kellin corrected her as she smiled nodding her head. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the beauty and knowing that I created her with the help of the guy, we made a beautiful life. “Rebel?” Kellin’s voice broke my thoughts as I looked at him.

“Yeah?” I asked him.

“Barbra and Michael has taken Arabella away to tell her the news about her adoption and soon there going to come in for you to tell her that you’re her mother okay?” he said and I nodded my head not even realising that they even left. We were in a comfortable silence hearing talking in the other room. Surprisingly Arabella took it well that she was adopted and she walked in towards me.

“Are you my real mum?” she asked and I smiled letting the tears slipped. “Why did you send me away anyway?” she asked with full attitude and I know where she gets it from…me.

“I was raped and I was 16 when I had you. I had to give you to your adoptive parents because I was still a teenager.” I rushed out and she looked at me showing no emotion.

“I understand,” she simply said. “I hope…we can have a relationship together you know…mum,” she said and I smiled knowing that she called me mum. I opened my arms out for her and she walked into them hugging me tightly. “Don’t cry mum I’m here.” she said and I cried into her neck having the time now to get to know my daughter more and being there for her like a mum should do.

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