Chapter Fifteen

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I told Cam and Jason about everything finally letting it out and getting out of the house. I still getting paid for looking after the children and I don’t mind that but I really need to talk to Kellin and calling it off. Even though I’m heartbroken what I’m thinking but it’s for the best. I was looking at an apartment and finally settled in a nice one nearby the city in a nice looking neighbourhood and I’m checking it out tomorrow. I wanted to go and see Arabella and talk things out with her so I decided to pick her up and take her out to a nice café nearby where Cam lives.

I got to the house and I knocked on the door to see a sad looking Mrs Windsor. “Hi is Arabella there?” I asked.

“No…” she trailed off.

“What do you mean no?” I asked my voice raising.

“She’s…missing….the police are trying to find her and we can’t find her,” she burst out crying.

“Why the hell are you still here we have to find her!” I shouted running out the front garden and somewhere my feet are taking me.

“Rebel come back here!” Mrs Windsor shouted but I didn’t look back I kept running.

I ran around the neighbourhood and I couldn’t find her. I ran to Katelynne and Kellin’s house and as I ran towards the door; Kellin walked out looking at me strangely but happy. “Rebel what are you doing here today? You don’t need to look after the children until Tuesday,” he said.

“Have you seen Arabella?” I asked breathing loudly trying to find my breath.

“Yeah she’s inside. She stayed the night why what’s happened?” he asked holding my waist as I pushed his hands away. I saw hurt in his eyes and I shook my head running into the house and looking into every room and seeing Arabella laughing with Liam as I ran to her and suffocating her with hugs (not literally).

“How thank god you’re okay. Why didn’t you tell Mr and Mrs Windsor where you are? They sent the police out for you!” I shouted at her and I looked at Liam telling him we need to talk and he walked away leaving us outside.

“I was going to text them but I had no credit and I didn’t know there mobile numbers off by heart since they don’t pick up the house phone,” she muttered.

“You need to come with me back to the house Arabella. There looking for you!” I demanded but she got out of my grip and stood up looking down at me.

“I am going nowhere with you Rebel!” she shouted back.

“Look let’s talk things through you nearly gave me a heart attack if Mrs Windsor didn’t say you were missing,” I said and she finally gave in walking out the house leaving a still confused Kellin and I did the call sign with my hand and Arabella groaned. “I’m ending things with him. I was doing that so when I see him I will break it off,” I said and she looked up smiling.

“That’s great but…it’s your love life I didn’t want to ruin it for you,” she said and I shook my head.

“What I’m doing is terrible and I can find someone else,” I said and she nodded her head. “Look, I’m sorry I said what I said to you it was the spur of the moment and I honestly didn’t mean any of it.” I rushed out.

“It’s okay I don’t mean what I said to you either I was just so…angry. I do love you mum not hate you.” she said and I gave her a side hug and kissed her head as I smiled finally letting her call me mum again.

We got back to the house and thankfully Mr Mrs Windsor were angry like they should be and thanking me to finally find her and soon after that I called Kellin to meet me at the café I was going to take Arabella.

I sat in my seat waiting for him to walk through the door. Finally I saw the black jacket, black jeans and navy TOMS walked through the door and looked round to see me smiling but I gave him a small smile back. He sat across me and held my hand but I moved it away. “What’s happened with everything?” he asked confused at my action.

“Kellin I think we need to break things off…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to look at him so I stared into my coffee as I continued talking. “You have a wife Kellin and beautiful children. You need to be happy with them and me interfering on your life has made everything worse. I wish I never had feelings for you,” I said but the last bit was complete lies I’m happy I have feelings for him but I know it’s useless.

“But…Rebel look at me,” he said and I looked up at his tearful eyes. “I think I might love you. Since you came into my life I have never stopped looking at you and you are full of surprises and I really liked that about you. It was never like that with me and Katelynne when we first met but her personality and appearance is amazing and I guess that’s why I thought she was the one but now…I don’t think so,” he said and I looked at him at where he was going with this. “I am going to say that…I’m going to break things off with Katelynne and be with you. Without hiding around and being happy again.” he said and held both my hands but this time I didn’t pull away but I couldn’t let him do that.

 “I don’t want you to do that Kellin. You have a life…use it. How about we don’t see each other for a month and after if you still have feelings you can break things off with Katelynne but I’m warning you Kellin you will not see me again.” I said and got out my seat and walked to the door not looking behind me as I walked waiting for this terrible month to pass.


Hey guys just wanting a little check in how everybody is doing and how you are liking this story and I wanted to put the Congratulations video in because I don't know about you but I think it's really funny and I love the song anyway(:

Stay strong for the people you care about and yourself.

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