Chapter Seventeen

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Tonight was the fancy dress party and I went as Audrey Hepburn because Katelynne said that I will look nice as she was going as Minnie Mouse and to be honest the outfit was a bit…slutty but she pulled off great and with her black tights covering her legs to make her look slutty didn’t look like it. I on the other hand hate showing my legs and arms that’s why I have elbow length black gloves and a long, tight black dress with pearl necklaces and the famous cigarette stick. I applied a nice smoky eye effect with bright red lipstick and my hair into a long bun trying to look my best like Audrey Hepburn and I did actually.

I was nervous knowing I will be seeing Kellin but there are going to be tonne of other people as well to interact and I want to do that but I have strange feeling something’s going to happen and I’m waiting when…

Katelynne picked me up instead of me walking in the ridiculous heels I bought by Katelynne and we arrived with the party already starting.

We walked in and saw loads of people in different fancy dress costumes and it was great and I recognised them immediately. I got myself a drink; Katelynne already gone somewhere talking to people as I stayed around the table like I did last time they threw a party and the whole deva ju hit me when Jack came up to me and he wasn’t drunk. “What a lovely surprise to see you again Rebel,” he chuckled getting my name right.

“Long time no see Jack, how’ve you been?” I asked him.

“Awesome actually the House Party Tour has finished with A Day To Remember and Peirce The Veil this year ha-ha what about you?” he asked.

 “I have a new place to stay and now I need a job,” I said.

“I thought you babysit for a living?” he asked and I nodded my head as I didn’t tell him this before but I didn’t ask how he knew that.

“Yeah but I need to do something else you know,” I said and he nodded his head.

“Hey our tour manager Matt is not touring with us anymore why don’t you tour with us?” he asked.

“Sorry I don’t anything about managing anything but to make you feel better I’ll come to your shows when there here,” I smiled and he grinned back.

“Well it was nice speaking to you Rebel hopefully I will see you at the shows next year, you have my number right?” he asked and I nodded my head saying goodbye as he walked through the house.

I was by myself again and I wanted some fresh air as usual I walked outside to see someone swinging on the swing watching the full moon brightening up place. I walked forward and noticed something dressed up as James Dean and my outfit and his clicked. His hair was slicked back into a quiff, his bright red jacket made his plain white t-shirt pop. His blue denim skinny jeans folded up to his ankles and nice brown TOMS and I knew who it was.


“You wanted air?” I asked and he nodded his head moving his hand to move under his nose. “Great party by the way,” I said and again he nodded his head not speaking. “Okay it’s been a month now and I really think that I still like you and I love you too Kellin…” I trailed off and this time he looked into my eyes with the moon reflecting in his as he stood up and walked straight towards me.

“I fucking love you too pieces Rebecca, I’ve missed you so much and when I saw you running down the driveway just to avoid me really broke my heart. I spent endless days thinking about you and I want to show you this song that I wrote a few years ago and I need you to take it because I’m ending things with Katelynne soon even if were not together,” he said and started singing.

Stay for tonight

 If you want to

 I can show you

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