Imagine pt. 13:

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         We came around this small café with a small bar next to it.  Olivia and the girls sat in the café with Mrs. Clayer.  Darcey raced to the bar.  I chased her with Jimin, Jungkook, and Camylle behind me.  Camylle had to go with, you know, adult vision.

"I will have one mimosa."  She swung her purse around to pay for it.  The man looked at her up and down.

"I.D.?"  He asked suspiciously.

Darcey showed him her I.D. and sighed out loud like it was a problem.

"You're 18?"  He asked.

"Uh, yeah.."  She said.

He handed back her I.D. and said okay.  He turned around and started making the drink.

Camylle looked at her and asked "You're 18?"

"Yes, sorry I failed one school year."  Darcey said irritated.

"You look very young."  Camylle confessed trying to be safe.

I turned towards Camylle and asked if she wanted a drink for herself.  She licked her lips and said "No."  I could tell she wanted a drink very badly.

"No no.  I'll pay for it."  I say.

She shook her head and simply said "I can't drink while I'm working."

"One drink won't kill anyone."  Darcey exclaims.

Darcey had convinced her well enough as she agreed.  The bartender asked if that was all.

"Une rose cocktail et pepa."  Camylle said.  Her voice was much different when speaking French.  More natural.

         He nodded as I paid.  He didn't bother asking for my I.D.  He must have heard our conversation or assumed I was the same age.  Same with Jimin and Jungkook as they ordered a French Blonde and A Lumière.  Surprisingly, I never imagined Jimin drinking.  Not really surprised with Jungkook, he was always the 'bad boy' and Jimin was the 'good boy'.  As Camylle got her drink, she sipped her drinks away like she was thirst for a decade.

Darcey was shocked by the sight. "When was your last drink?"  She questioned Camylle.

She slowly lifted her head up and said "Three or four years ago."

Darcey sat closer to her to talk to her as Camylle was spilling out her entire life.  I didn't listen, Darcey could tell me later.  I decide to talk to Jimin.

"How was the Mona Lisa, Jimin?"  I started off.

"Amazing."  Was all he said and continued drinking his drink.

"Good drink?"  I ask trying to keep up with the conversation.  He seemed a bit off.  Did I do something?

"I'm going to the bathroom."  Jungkook said aloud and left.

Jimin raised his head and messed with his hair.  "Are you okay?"  I ask him.

"I'm tired, that's all."  He says and rubs his eyes.

"No, I know when someone's okay and not okay-"

"Then why did you ask?"  He slaps his hand on the counter and rotates his head towards me.

"What's wrong?"  I felt a bit overwhelmed.  Something happened to Jimin and he won't tell me.

"Olivia."  He revealed.

"What?  What she do?"  I was confused.  What in the world did she do?

"I'm not aloud to talk to you."  His eyes watered.

My eyebrows narrowed "You can't talk to me?  What?  Is she your mom or-"

"I can't."

"And why not?"  I question.

"She threatened me if we talk.  She could ruin my reputation at the school if we do anything."  He spilled out.

"So you're not going to talk to me because it might ruin your reputation?"  I repeated.  Heat was rising on my face.  Olivia threatened Jimin.

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