Chapter 17- the spell

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Pandora whispers, "Do you remember the strange memory of a mage with brown hair?"
I automatically think of Lance.
She continues while shuffling her wings, "He drank from his fathers' tankard, and became slobbering drunk when you were in the craddle. He was too young to utter spell, maybe five, but some how managed the spell.
The spell was to cause a horrible effect upon you during the late and wee hours after our powers develop. I don't know the details, but Kip deteced it on you. It's a irreversible curse, unless our bond cancels it, but I doubt it."
I sigh, "Do you have any idea of what may happen?"
She nods, and whispers quieter then the rustling leaves, "It causes something with physical change and beasts."
I sigh, placing my knees to my chest.
I groan, and go to ask Feona something.

I find her in the dinning room.
I ask, "How much longer before my powers develop completely?"
She smiles, "Tomorrow we will cristen you into the final phase!"
I sit down, and sigh.
Pandora warbles, and flops down around the short end of the table.
Feona asks, "Something wrong Apollo?"
I shake my head, running my hand through my hair.
She doesn't fall for it, and looks down at Pandoras' bewildered figure.
She sighs, and asks Pandora, "What's up with Apollo?"
Pandora lifts her big white metallic head to rest on the table.
She shuts and locks the door with her tail. She looks at the curtains, and draws them with her tail as well.
She growls, "A young drunk mage cursed Apollo to turn to a horrid beast tomorrow night."
Feona shoots up, rage all over her face.
I look up at her.
She cries, "Who? When? Can we reverse it?"
I grumble, "It's possible it was my best friend when he was five, when I was like a month old, no."
Feona pounds her fist on the table, cursing.
Feona cries, "What's the shape of your scar? Where is it?"
I push back my black and blonde hair, revealing the scar.
She growls.
She whispers to me, "You are no Tarrilo Corilo. Your a cursed being."
Shock waves over me like a wave on nausea. I clutch the table, head spinning.
Pandora must of heard it, and snaps, "HOW DARE THEE! YOU DARE CALL HIM A BEAST OF NIGHTMARE!"
My head continues to spin as I leave the room....

A/n what do you think comes next? Is Apollo becoming the beast? Or is he just getting sick? IDK, we must read to find out?

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