APOLLO'S POV.... 1hr later
If that was work, what maner of torture did Athena put me through?I trot out of class, and into my next class.
Pandora is laughing about something.
She bumped into another dragon, and told me she'd turn into a tattoo when she was done talking to him.
I stride along, head up, eyes alert.
A pack of guys growl, "Look, it's a dragonless!"
I whip around.
My smile grows evil and sick. Fangs begin to penitrate the grin, a growl echoing down the halls.I feel Pandoras' signal waver. What's going on?
I feel like a glitching screen from a horror movie.
I flicker forms, scaring the pack frozen.
I chirp evily, "A What?"
They scatter. I smile, and walk to class. My form settles, and I get comfortable in my form.
The girl who hit me with a door begins to walk beside me, oblivious to the previous events.I smirk, and coment, "So, who are those guys?"
She frowns, tucking hair behind her ear, "The Leathles. They do what they want, and will get rid of who ever get in their way. Don't try and scare them, because you'll pay with the thing closest to your dragon."
I feel cold, and mention, "Well, to late. I had a strange episode of form flickering, and they ran off."
She smiles, and whispers, "So your the one they say is cursed? I didn't believe them, but now I do."
I look up at the girl, and double take.
I shake my head clear, and keep walking.
Heat creeps up on me.
Pandora laughs at me, "Somebody has a crush!"
I snarl at her, but it doesn't enter the mind realm.
Half the hall jumps in suprise.
I push my hood over my head.
My locker approaches, and we part ways.
I ask her, "What's your name?"
She smiles, and comments, "I'm Libby."
I venture, "I'm Apollo Farthing."
She smiles, and vanishes.
I look at my schedule, and groan.
Power discovery (first day only!)/Powers
I groan as I shut the locker.
I call Pandora, but she growls, "Five more minutes!"
I laugh silently.
She's the same way when I need to wake her up in the morning.I enter another arena. This one is bare from the walls down.
But, the ceiling is full of objects.
A skylight is the only light source and window.
A set of hanging acrobatic hoops, an airiel obstacle course, and a bunch of beams are scatered around the ceiling.A pair of identical twins and twin dragons are sitting in the middle of the room.
I offer, quietly, "Hello?"
One looks up, and smiles.
It exclaims, "Your the gifted and cursed shapeshifter from Arsalon!"
The dragons whisper to each other.
I growl to Pandora, "I need you here. Class'll probably start soon!"
She groans, and appears by my side.
The twin nods, and resumes talking to the other one.
I lean on Pandora as we sit down beside the twins.We chat for what seems like forever, until a man strides in.
He snaps, "On your feet, magets!"
I shoot up, used to Athena's cruel ways.
A girl walks in, and chases the man out with a book.
I supress a laugh, but Pandora has steam flowing from her nostrils.The woman smiles, and laughs, "Sorry, he was the sub, but he is no longer needed."
She demands, politely, "Does anyone have an idea of their powers?"
I raise a shaking hand.
This woman seems to send off a bad vibe.
She looks me straight in the face,black hair in a tight bun.She chirps, "What are they?"
I look down, shuffling my wieght, I mumble, "Dark Shifter."
She looks like she's about to laugh, and asks, "I sense your hiding something... will you tell ussssss?"
I look at her, tilt my head, and whisper, "I don't know of anything else, Miss."
She looks sceptical, but continues to gather info from the twins.
I wince when she hisses, "Now, Apollo. I sense there is more to you than a simplistic Dark Shifter. Twins, dragons, go now."
Pandora turns to a mark on my chest.
The lady smiles, and sighs, "If you want to do this too, Pandora, you can stay. But don't say I never gave you the chance to go and leave him."
I swallow, and raise my gaurd.
The lady snarls when the others leave, "Now, drop the barriers. It'll only make this hurt."
I exclaim, "WHAT?"
It came out as a throaty roar.
The teacher raises a magic barrier around the arena.
I hear Pandora mutter a curse, "Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea."
I stand tall, but nerves sizzle against my skull.
I hear a loud ripping sound, and the teacher is pushing a snow white orb towards me.
I back up. The orb nearly touches me, and I jump back.
Do not flicker forms. Do not flicker!
I back away from the orb, circling the arena.
A sudden movement, and it touches my arm.
I screech, and my forms flicker like a broken satilite image on a television.A/N What's going on? Is Apollo being attacked? What's the orb made of? We'll find out later...., MWAHAHAHA!
Unexpected Heroes
Fantasy"What are you doing climbing up to the heirs room?" Apollo is the crown prince of a kingdom named Arsalon. Arsalon has it's upsides , but mostly down sides. Raids are all anyone thinks about. Arsalon is the laughing stock of kingdoms on the penin...