I grab the riens, and Pandora takes off.
Libby bursts out laughing.
She tells me, "I'm re selecting a dragon tomorrow!"
I hug her best I can, and exclaim, "That's great!"
She looks back at me, and raises an eyebrow.
I ask, "What?"
She turns around, and snickers, "You have the wolf voice."
I choke on air, while Libby bursts out laughing.
I growl, "Verrryy funny."
She smiles, shaking her head.
I steer Pandora towards the lake, hoping to pull a little prank on Libby.
I whisper to Pandora, "I'm gonna leap into the lake. Make it seem like an accident, but do not let Libby come after me."
She warbles, and begins to fly awkwardly. I pretend to loose my balance, and fall into the lake.
The water doesn't get me very wet becuase of my water powers. I can also breathe under the water, so I can stay down here as long as I want.
Pandora warbles in false alarm.
She lands next to the pond.
Libby rushes to the water, concern all over her face.
I look up at her, and she screams.
I shoot out of the water using a shifter skill called "Air whip".
It causes a vaccum to either suck you forward and up, or push everything away.
I land on my feet, wet hair flopping over my face.
Libby shoves me, and I flop back into the lake.
I crawl out, and shake my hair to rid it of water.
Libby shakes her head, and I gesture for her to get back onto Pandora.
She smiles, and hops on.
I leap on behind her, and Pandora takes off.
I ask, "So, excited for tomorrow?"
She cries, "HECK YAAASSSS!"
I begin laughing, and she turns red.
I smile, and ask, "What species do you think you'll bond with?"
She shrugs, "Which ever calls me. You know, you never told me how you found Pandora."
I sigh, and launch into the story of how I found her egg. She nods and absorbs every word.
I tell her about the Hyper and Winter test, and stop there.
She ask, rightfully confused, "How is she a Fire then?"
I hear Pandoras' armor shift as I shift around.
I explain, "I had a teacher named Kip. He was often threatened by vigilantes from Arsalon. One day, he got unlucky. He was slain by a blade, and Pandora tried to save his dragon. They both died from the injury taxied to two beings. Kip's dragon gifted Pandora with his powers, and passed away in a cloud of dust."
Pandora warbles sadly, almost depressed.
I stroke her, and she settles down.
Libby asks, "Is that why you avoid questions about before the school?"
I nod, and shift again.
Pandora jerks her head up, and stops.
I look around, borrowing the vision of all my Shadows.
I see a small, white dragonette caught in the brambles.
I leap off, and dive towards it.
Libby screams, oblivious to my many tricks. For example, Feather Wings. It gives me wing like an angel, until I touch ground and am stable.
I call on it, and fly to the dragonette. I craddle it in my arms, and calm it.
I call my Feather Wing abilities again, and fly back to Pandora.
She warbles, and turns to sniff it.
She warbles, "Fire and Ice dragon. Not a Mischief."
I nod, and consider how to do this. Then, I remember the empty pair of hands in front of me.
I place it in Libbys' lap, and climb onto the saddle. My wings retract, tunring into faint scars.
I smile, and nudge Pandora forwards.
Unexpected Heroes
Fantasy"What are you doing climbing up to the heirs room?" Apollo is the crown prince of a kingdom named Arsalon. Arsalon has it's upsides , but mostly down sides. Raids are all anyone thinks about. Arsalon is the laughing stock of kingdoms on the penin...