The crowd gasps as if they didn't know about nocturnal shifters.
I ask, voice horse, "What the heck's going on?"
I hear the sound of handcuffs.
I scream, "No! Bbbbback offffff."
It ended in a cruel growl.
The woman comes between us, and asks, "Why do you insist on distroying an innocent shifter who defened themselves?"
The lady sneers, "Innocent? Cursed Shifters are always a public threat. It's our duty to control and distroy all those who try to cause harm to the citizens of this fair country."
I feel Pandora stir.
I snarl under my breath, accidentally outloud, "Ci, Pandora! Ci!"
Pandora appears beside me.
The lady snags my wrist handcuffing me. She casts a spell, and Pandora is a tattoo.
I fight her, but nobody can save me.
Nobody but me!
I growl, letting my shifted sides merge.
Death awaits!
I feel like a purrrfect mix of wolf and tiger.
The cuff snaps.
I make a break for it, but I'm grabbed by a lab assistance.
I growl.
He finds my tags, and phones Otice.
I ask, "May I speak with my gaurdian?"
He nods, handing me the receiver.
A tear falls. One of relief. Relief that my gaurdian cares. My parents are gone for a week, so I'm in Otices' care.
I whisper, "A guy tried to kill me, I bit his hand, he tied me to an enchanted tree... and Pandora was hungover..."
Otice sighs, "You did the right thing. I'll be there in a few minutes. Stay out of trouble."
I smile and we hang up.
I flick up my hood, and sit in the waiting room. I lean back, relaxing
I find the woman who saved me, and I ask her name.
She replies, "Jullie Farthing. I'm your aunt."
I bow, and whisper in dragon, "Tu sa mo fro Loki. Pandora & I tank tu."
She smiles.
The girl, my cousin, asks what I said. I can tell everybody else was also curious.
I repeat, louder, "You saved me from trouble. Pandora and I thank you."
The crowd appluades, and Otice charges on.
I flip the hood down.
Otice pats my back, and we leave.
I expected a big speech, but I got the opposite!
Unexpected Heroes
Fantasy"What are you doing climbing up to the heirs room?" Apollo is the crown prince of a kingdom named Arsalon. Arsalon has it's upsides , but mostly down sides. Raids are all anyone thinks about. Arsalon is the laughing stock of kingdoms on the penin...