13 : A Duet With Her?

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Darren's POV

   I followed Jake to a hidden place in the hallway. "What's up?" I asked as we faced each other. "The school decided to hold a dance night in three weeks, before summer holidays. You can play guitar, right?" he said. "Yeah.Why?"

   "Since I'm the one that will handle the night dance, I'm thinking of live performances rather than just playing songs from my playlist. It's also a good chance to show your talent," he cleared.

   "But, I'm just good in playing guitar. Who'll sing the song?"

   "I'll let you decide yourself. If you can't find anyone, maybe we'll just do instrumental," he stated.

   I nodded my head in agree. "I'll figure it out. If there's anything, I'll contact you."

   He smiled in relief. "Thank you.Anyway, may I ask you something?"

   "What?" I asked with lifted eyebrows. He scratched the back of his neck, looking at me nervously. "It's that true that you and Ave are dating now?" A smile planted on my face, hearing V's name mentioned. "Yes."

   "I thought I can get my chance to be with her. It's broke my heart hearing the truth. I have to go. See you around," he said while tapping my shoulder before making his way to his class.

   I fisted my hand, holding the urge to punch him. Instead, I faked a smile and nodding forcefully. Once he was out of my vision, I punched the nearby wall.My knuckles turned red and some blood visibled on it. I ignored the injuries and walked to my first class as the bell rang.

   I couldn't stand when other boys set their eyes on Averyn. I might overreacted but when I addressed her as my bestfriends, I didn't want to share her with other boys.In this situation, we're a couple so the jealousy of me started to be more dominant.

   I didn't lie when I said I started looking V as a girl, not my bestfriends. But, I'm still not sure about my feelings towards her.The sudden kisses I gave her were unpredictable, even for me. I didn't know why did I act like that but maybe because my heart started to accept her as my girlfriend. Okay, maybe only for this two month. Plus, we should act like we're a real couple, right? I guessed kisses were normal things when you became a couple.

   I was excited when she hugged my arm when we walked to the school this morning. She started to follow the plan, and that made me so eager for our next upgrades.

   Let me check first. I touched her waist and kissed his lips, which crossed our lines. So the only thing left was cuddling with her. A smirk appeared on my face as I was thinking of making that dream comes true. Oh, wait. The night dance. Maybe I could ask her to sing while I'm playing guitar.

   Her voice was good and usually when we bored, we'll make a duet and spending times singing songs until our throats hurt.

   Maybe I should give it a try. I could get closer with her too. Yeah,kill two birds with one stone.

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