Oracles to the gods

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Chapter 1

I keep running, not once looking back, afraid to see who or what's behind me, all I know is someone has found me, someone who isn't suppose too, as the symbols on my wrists glow to a light gold colour, warning me that one of my hunters is close, to close. I push myself faster and harder as the colour slowly fades from gold to black, but I still dont stop, I can't, this is all I have known, I fight if I know I can win, but most have figured that out and now come in groups, the gods come alone to lure me, offering me the world, if I come with them, only the creatures from the underworld come in groups, but their not the smartest of creatures, they never look properly for me, they sense of but they only follow me if they see me.

But this is my own fault, I ventured to close to my old home, I needed to see them, before I left for my final destination like planned, I had to, its been a year today. But they were waiting for me to make this mistake and I almost fell into their trap, I saw them coming before I got to close for them to see me, that's my power seeing glimpse of future, of what's to come, well one of them, the gods call it a gift, I call it a curse, if I could give it to them I would gladly. I have seen horrible things that are going to happen before they do and know matter what I do, I have only managed to change the outcome a couple of times, but I couldn't change the worst from happening. I knew they would fight for me, I saw it, but I wanted them to run with me, not save me, I knew the outcome of what was going to come, I told them, but they wouldn't come because the outcome meant I was safe, that I wouldn't be taken, so they stayed to fight and made me run, but I need them and I still do, know matter how strong I am, I will alway want them.

As I come to the edge of the forest, I look at my wrists, they are know longer glowing. I straighten out my clothes and fix my hair before I step out into view. I give one last look behind me and whisper "goodbye", I hold onto the last thing that means the most to me, my mothers chain, its hold her's and my, memories now, I never thought one little stone would mean so much to me, its hold their images when they are know longer as clear in my head as they used to be. I walked casually to my white Audi A3, that's parked across the road, I get in and start the engine, as I drive from this town I take one glance in my rearview mirror and promise myself I will be back someday.

This is the start of my new life even if it still means hiding who I am and what I can do. All this running is because I am a demigod and werewolf hybrid, but I am also the Gods Oracle, which are rare, the Gods want me for themselves, their always growing greed for power over one another, has lead to this and the underworld seeking me out aswell, so the can gain power over the gods who stay in Olympus, I'm constantly hiding, fighting to protect innocent people from death because they have gotten in their way, I am the most coveted possession for any God to have, but I will only be used by the gods, given false love so they can claim me instead of my destined mate, they won't go against Artemis, they can't claim me once my mate has, they won't risk her fury by messing with her creations and their mates. I have been running since I turned sixteen, and a year later at seventeen, I'm still running but not for long. My next destination should be safe for me to stay, Ares and Aphrodite, who I get my demigod god blood side from have put powerful symbol with their mix of blood around the house and surroundings, so the gods can never track me or sense me there.

I'm just like my mother was at this age, keeping myself hidden, and hiding who I am, my mothers name was Athena, her mother name is Freya, she is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, my mother Athena father was a werewolf/ vampire hybrid who was on a supernatural council, my father Trent was a werewolf, he was an Alpha. The vampire side was only a tiny part of my mother but it hasn't been passed to me, I have only the strongest blood running through me, unlike my mother I can shift into a wolf but I dont have a wolf that can talk to me, I just sense its feeling as if they were my own, I was the first and only child my parents had, so I was next in line for alpha, but that destiny is long gone now. All I have left is Aphrodite and Ares, but it is getting harder for them to visit without the gods noticing their absence and trying to track them in hopes they find me.

I have to try blend in for this new life, but like my mother did, if I see someone in danger, I have that need to protect, but unfortunately that is how they manage to track me sometimes. But for now, I just have hours of a driving in front of me, before my new life starts, the older I get the more aware I am that I need to find my mate, so I can stop running, I'm only safe when I find my mate and he claims me, but if the gods or the creatures of the underworld find me and claim me first, then all this, my life and the ones I love, were destroyed for nothing, if they claim me first.

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