Talk about falling

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Chapter 14

The last couple of days in school has flew by, I forgot what it was like to have friends. It makes the days go so much quicker. Jack and his pack have kept their distance. Leyla gave me a few dirty looks the first day but that ended when I gave her a warning growl that had her fighting not to submit.

                        I have been training the last few days with Cameron's pack in the evening's along with doing my own training at home. The feeling of been watched has grown over the last couple of days but I feel so drawn to the presence. I have trying to  clear my mind and concentrate, to see if I can see anything, but its seems like so many paths are laid out in front me, to many to get a grasp of who it is, its like their intentionally changing their mind constantly so I can't see them. I got more flashes of Athena, but I can't sense any danger coming with her but that doesn't mean I won't be prepared, she is obviously coming for a reason.

                     I could feel the presence again, I walked outside to clear my head and looked up at the darkened sky as I watched the stars twinkle. The presence is getting stronger out here. I can feel it so close to me. I stay still, keeping my heartbeat and breathing steady, as I pretended to be still looking at the stars. I didn't make any move as I felt the presence come up right behind me. If this is going to work, like I hope it will, I need move quicker than I ever have. I spun around, throwing myself at the presence behind me as I fall to the ground but with someone or something under me, that preventing me from hitting the ground.

"Show yourself" I said as I still had whatever is under me pinned to the ground.

I watched as shadow floated around us, dispersing as they revealed golden amber eyes, the ones that have been completely clouded my mind. Only this time the shadow were falling away from his face and body. I was now staring at the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on, when I first saw Jack I thought he was hot and had the bad boy look but this man under me takes it to a whole other level. I think I'm actually drooling right now. He hair looks slightly grown out of a tight look at the top, its still tight at the sides. It is the darkest black I have ever seen, he got that whole im just out of bed look, his sideburns are done in a thin line, his eyes are completely captivating and beautiful, he has a strong jaw and cheek bones with a perfect nose, full lips and black stubble, like he hasnt shaved in a day or two. He looks around twenty three or four. His body feels strong and hard with muscle underneath me, he has a black v neck t shirt on,  I can see he has a nice amount of hair on his chest, but I can see the symbols and designs of the protector starting on his chest. The only god I know that is a protector is the son of Hades, the god of the underworld.

                                     As realisation of who he could be, I jumped back to my feet and bringing a ball of fire to my hand, ready to fight, but I knew he wouldn't. I watched him jump to his feet as he stood up. I couldn't help but look him up and down. He is about six foot five inches. His body looks better than I could feel, his shoulders are broad with a strong chest. The markings of the protector are more visible now, as they run down his arms. He had black jeans on that are tucked into his boots.

"You can put that out, I'm not a threat to you Electra" he said. His voice sent shivers down my spine in a good way its so deep and sexy.

"How can I be sure of that, your a god, I can't trust any of you" I said, watching him closely.

"I'm here to protect you, not hurt you" he said.

"Is that what you are Ares were shaking on" I asked. He smiled a breathtaking smile,

"If you saw that, then that should tell you that you can trust me, Ares wouldn't put you in danger" he said.

I closed my hand, extinguishing the flames.

"Do you know why he asked you to protect me" I asked, hoping that he does know because if he doesn't and he finds out, I'm fucked.

"I know who you are Electra or should I say, The Oracle," he answered. I could feel my body relax slightly, he would have taken me by now if he wanted to, I know Ares would never put me in danger.

"So you know who I am, dont you think I should know who you are if your going to be protecting me " I said.

"My name is Erebus, son of Hades,

god of shadows, but I'm also a protector to those who deserve my protection" he explained.

I can't believe this, I have the son of Hades, the god of the underworld protecting me, it doesn't make sense, I'm been hunted by the underworld aswell.

"Why aren't you hunted me like you father?" I asked.

"My father is not hunting you Electra, he vowed never to take a young woman against her will and keep her in the underworld, yeah he is like all gods, he would want the Oracle by their side but not by force, he is not seeking you out, he can't control every demon and prevent them from hunting you"  he explained.

That's one less God to worry about.

"Okay, where do we go from here now that I have seen you?" I asked, silent hoping this man will stay protecting me, I already feel a strong pull and bond towards him, that he is the part I have been missing all along, I can't let him leave.

"I still protect you, that is not going to change, except now you know I'm here" he said.

"Okay, so what you stay for awhile then go and comeback?" I asked.

He looked a little embarrassed as I asked that question.

"Eh, I dont leave, I stay here with you" he said. Okay does that mean he has been staying in my room, the lounge, what, then I remembered Sunday, the feeling of someone brushing my hair away from my face, it has to have been him, I blush slightly as I think back to leaning into his touch.

"So do you stay in my house? "I asked. Now it was his turn to blush.

"Yeah I normally stay in your lounge and check on you during the night and around the house to make sure your safe" he said, looking anywhere but at me and at that moment I was glad, he has seen me sleeping, then all thoughts came into my head, do I snore, do I drool, oh my gods, he has probably seen my bed head and panda eyes. Them the thoughts entered my head, is my hair ok and that when I realised what I was wearing, short shorts and a jersey.

"Okay, how about we go inside, its a little cold out here" I said as he nodded, I was quite aware that alot of my ass was hanging out right now and I was very aware of his eyes on it. I closed the door as he walked by me, giving me a chance to check his ass out, my gods he is perfect. I walked into the lounge to where the fire was burning brightly.

"Seen as you were staying here without me knowing and I dont get the feeling your planning on leaving anytime soon, how about I bring you some pillows and a blanket so you can sleep properly, if your going to protect me properly you will need your sleep, I can or I could sense when a god or demon is near and this house is protected, I could see him ready to argue, but I raised my hand cutting off any protests.

"That would nice, thank you" he said looking at me, I could feel my body heat up just from his stare alone.

"Okay, I will be back down in a minute, feel free to help yourself to the food in the fridge" I said as I left the room.

What am I going to do? something inside of me is telling me I can trust him, I dont feel fear around him, the same as I didn't fear him in the flashes I had of him. At least I know what Ares was up too, it must have taken alot for him to ask for help, he is normally to proud to ask for any. But why did he have to send him, I won't be able to think straight around him. I just can't bring myself to tell him to leave because I dont want him too and I know he will still be here all the time except I won't be able to see him. I pulled a couple of pillows and a duvet from my wardrobe and headed downstairs.

"These should make you a bit more comfortable" I said handing them to him.

"Thank you, but its not necessary" he said.

"Yes, it is anyway I'm going to head to bed, its getting late, as I said before, help yourself to anything in the fridge" I said, as I turned to walk back to my room.

"Good night Electra, sleep well" he said, yeah right as if that is going to happen, now that I know he checks on me.

"Good night Erebus" I said on my way up the stairs.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now