My protective side

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Chapter 15

I barely slept last night knowing he was downstairs. I heard him come and check on me a few times throughout the night. I got myself out of bed, grabbed my underwear and walked into the bathroom to get a shower. After I was finished, I dried myself off, put my underwear on and went in search of something to wear. I finally decided on a light jumper dress that is purple with a black belt under my chest, black tights and black ankle boots. I got dressed, blowed dried my hair and left it down in waves. I put a small amount of mascara on and clear lip gloss.

          I grabbed everything I need and walked downstairs, I nearly had a heart attack, when I saw his fixing up the duvet and pillows while he was top less, the marks of a protector were spread out across his back, he turned around to face me and I had to hold my jaw from dropping to the floor. He has a sexy amount of hair on his chest that leads down his stomach, that looks rock hard with an eight pack. His symbols come down onto his chest but end there. I saw him look at me from head to toe, when his eyes met mine, I could see lust, which know doubt was in my eyes too, along with something else, before I could figure out what it is, he broke eye contact.

"Hey, did you sleep okay?" I asked, while tearing my eyes from his delicious body as I walked towards the fridge to grab a drink.

"Yes, I did, thank you" he said, as he was putting his top back on.

"What's the plan for you today? what do you normally do when I'm in school?" I asked.

"I go with you, but stay unseen, you still need protecting there Electra, but from what I have seen you have that well under control" he said giving me that breathtaking smile again. I think my heart just stopped.

"Yeah, some people just needed to be put in place" I said, thinking about Jack.

"Did Ares tell you about my mate?" I asked slightly embarrassed at the thoughts of him knowing I was rejected.

"Yes he did, he doesn't deserve you Electra, weather he thought you were human or not,  that is no excuse for his actions, to behave so disrespectfully towards you, it is disgraceful" he said with anger in his voice, its should make me scared but its actually quite hot on him.

"Thank you, but its okay, I don't feel anything towards him now, no pull, nothing" I said, still confused on how that happened.

"Really, you feel nothing for him, what about your wolf side?" he asked.

"She doesn't feel anything either, she doesn't even stir inside me when he is wrapped around someone else, its strange but I'm grateful for it" I said. I looked at him and saw his eyes light up when I said that.

"He definitely didn't deserve you then Electra" he said. I gave him a smile.

"We need to get going or I'm going to be late" I said, as I grabbing my bag and keys as I headed towards the door with him following me.

We both got into the car as I started it, tinie tempah song pass out, came on and that's exactly how I felt this close to him. I pulled out and drove towards school. Before we got to the car park I asked him,

"Are you going to hide yourself before we get there?" I asked.

"Normally I would, but I think you should give your mate a taste of what he has been doing" he said. I looked at the cheeky grin on his face.

I pulled into the schools car park and spotted Jack and Kenneth standing in their usual spot, looking towards the car. I looked at Erebus, not knowing what to do, so I just got out of the car, as he opens his door to get out. I could feel Jack and Kenneth s stares. Erebus got out and walked towards me, I was standing at the door of my car when he moved closer to me, pinning me to the car with his hands resting either side of my head on the car. He leaned down and placed his forehead to mine.

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