What's to come

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Chapter 11

Last night my dreams were haunted by images of what is coming. I didn't understand most of it, images of Jack in the arms of Leyla, pictures of my parents faces came floating in among the others, Ares talking to another man and shaking hands with him, I couldn't see who he was, I just got flashes of his eyes, a golden amber, then came the feeling and images of been trapped in a bottomless pit of darkness, that was never ending, it was suffocating, but the clearest images of all, it was of her, the goddess that betrayed us, Athena. She is coming soon, she is searching for me and she is going to find me. So many emotions came with the images, fear, fury and rage, the feeling of a pure love so strong I could feel my heart ache for it, I wanted to feel more of it, last was a feeling that something big was going to happen, something life changing. I saw the power I possess, Ares is right, I'm more powerful than I ever thought possible. As for Athena, I dont know why she is coming or what she is planning, but I will be ready for her. I will be stronger this time. She destroyed my life, she took away the ones I love and because of her I am running constantly and I will never forgive her for that. I will have my revenge even if it kills me.

                                                I am going to do everything I can to make myself stronger, I need to destroy her and send her to the underworld where she belongs. She must have found out about the rejection and is coming to claim me, be her very own little oracle, but I would rather die than be stuck for eternity with her. I cant live among the ones that have hunted me, killed people just to have me for their own greed.

                                      If she is getting close, that means the underworld are aswell. I see everything for a reason, I just need to figure out the rest of it. But at least I know one thing for sure, I will never accept Jack, I dont feel the pains of him been with another thanks to me accepting his rejection. I dont need to feel it to know the truth in what I saw. Strangely enough, it isn't hurting me, I dont feel a connection to him or the pull I should feel, but that's all the better for me. I need my head clear and not messed up over him.

       I went into my training room, I dont have long til Athena comes, a week or two tops, so I need to make sure I'm ready, that I have a chance against her because I'm not running anymore, I get killed, I get killed, but I'm taking her with me. I haven't seen Ares since the first day of school and I can't call him or Aphrodite without risking leading the other gods to me. I need to know who and why he was shaking hands with another god, I know Ares wouldn't betray or give me up, but I saw that image for a reason and I need to know what that reason is.

                                                        After six hour of pushing my body to its limits, I went back into my room to get a shower, I stood under the water, when another image invaded my mind, flashes of golden amber eyes came into view, they didn't rise fear in me like they should, like the eyes of every other god that has come for me still rises little fear in me, but not these eyes, I felt an ache I never felt before, a longing that I didn't understand, I saw flashes of hex's night club again. But know matter how hard I concentrated, I couldn't see more than his eyes, they were the same ones that I saw last night that belonged to the man shaking Ares hand. This could be my way of finding out what this all means. Regardless of how he doesn't rise fear in me, that doesn't mean I'm not scared, this could be a trap I'm walking into, he is a god. I need to remember that and not allow myself to feel a false sense of security around him. I need answer and if this is how I find them, then I am going to have to risk getting caught.

            I got out of the shower and headed into my room. I'm getting answers, even if I have to bring out the Seducer on a god. I just have to find him and I will work it out from there. I put on a lacey bra and panties, now to find something to wear. I root through my wardrobe looking for something to wear tonight. I found a black chiffon  play suit, it is a halter neck with a low cut back and finishes as a shorts. I picked out a pair of silver heels with crystals on them making them sparkle in the light. I left them on my bed while I started on my hair and make up. I done black and silver Smokey look on my eyes with a thin black line of liquid eyeliner that curved up at the end, mascara, a ,small amount of blush and my tinted red lip gloss to finish it off. I then started on my hair, starting with curling it and clipped it all up at the back leaving a few loose curls here and there to give it a messy look. I put on the play suit and heels, I pulled out my chain and let it hang down, put on a few bangles on each wrist. I looked in the mirror, the outfit made my legs look longer as the play suits clung to the right places. I grabbed my silk short jacket, my bag and keys and headed down stair. I locked up the house and headed for my car. I blasted Chris browns, more love, through my speakers as I headed to Hex nightclub, hoping I have made the right decision to come and not signed my own dead wish.

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