My powers

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Chapter 23

Its been three days since Athena arrived and everyday I have pushed my body to the limits. Athena wanted to test out my fighting skills now that I'm a goddess. Athena and Erebus were shocked, as good as I was before I'm unstoppable now. Athena only landed one hit on me where as every hit I aimed at her, I made contact. I am faster and a hell of alot stronger.

                           I started off working with the powers I already had, my fire and air balls. When I first brought an fire ball to my hand, it was bigger and hotter than ever before, Athena looked shocked. It wasnt just a fire ball anymore, it was like a mini Sun, it burned hotter than any fire ball I have ever used before and it came alot quicker now than before. The air ball I have used before is now a massive ball of energy, it doesn't just come to my hand, I can send out massive waves of it from my body, Athena told me that's is what I hit her with when she arrived. I can now control and manipulate water and earth elements. I can teleport like the gods now and I also have control over light, I can bend the light to cloak myself, I'm the opposite of Erebus. But I have the best power of all to rival Zeus, I have lightning bolts but I don't control the weather like him.

              I can see more clearly into the future, all I have to do in concentrate on a certain god or goddess to see what these are doing and if their planning their next move. Before I couldn't see past multiple paths but now I can see all paths and what outcome of each will be. Its going to be Erebus and me going into the underworld. Athena cant and I wouldn't expect her too. Zeus could land her in Tartarus if he feel she has betrayed him.

                        Right now, Athena is getting ready to leave. She can't stay another day or the gods will get suspicious of her again.

"Thank you Athena for all your help training me and for finding out about my parents, will you let Ares and Aphrodite know I'm okay and that I'm safe. I will visit them soon" I said.

"No need to thank me Electra, I'm just glad  you let me explain, I have missed you so much, I will tell Ares and Aphrodite when its safe, and careful in the underworld Electra, make sure you come home safely with your parents" she said hugging me.

"I will, I promise" I said.

"Erebus, keep her safe, she is very special" she said.

"You don't even need to ask Athena, I will protect her with my life, she is my world" he said as she also hugged him goodbye.

Erebus wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him as Athena disappeared.

I turned to Erebus and brought his face to mine as I kissed him passionately. It has been three days since I have been able to kiss him properly without feeling l embarrassed in front of Athena. He kissed me back with so much passion, he had to hold me upright or my legs would have went out from under me. He moved his hands from on hair and trailed them down my back to my ass, he cupped my ass and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Every touch felt so intense, Athena told me as both of us are gods, the bond I felt for him will now be as intense as the bond he feels toward me, it will be like the two of our feeling will be connected as one, what I feel he will feel and vise versa when were intimate. He walked us into the kitchen and sat down in one of the chair with me still on top of him. He grabbed my ass and pulled me tighter to him, I could feel he was was already hard. I grabbed his t shirt and pulled it over his head, leaving me with full view of his gorgeous body as I let my eyes roam over his hard chests and abs. I knew when I look at him he will see every bit of lust I have him.

                                    I made eye contact with him and saw in his eyes exactly what I am feeling. He pulled on tank top over my head slowly, as his eyes took in every detail of my body, as he threw my top on the floor. He ran his fingers gently up my sides, til reached my bra and moved his hands to open the clasp and he slowly moved the straps down my arms and took it off.  He tilted me back while supporting me with one of his hands as he kissed from my ribs to the middle of my breasts. Each touch of his lips to my skins made spark and electricity run rampant in my body and left me lightheaded. He moved his mouth to my breasts kissing them gently as he took my nipple in his mouth,  he teased them with his tongues, then gently bite them. That's all it took for everyone of those sparks and electricity to move towards my core, as I moaned at the sensations of pleasure he was causing in my body. He pulled me back up to face him, so close our lips were barely inches away as we both of us took deep breaths, before he crashed his lips to mine once again. I broke our kiss and ran my hand through his hair tugging on it as I tilted his head back. I moved my lips down his jaw, as I place slow kisses down his neck teasing him as he moaned. I ran my hand from his neck slowly down over over his chest and  down his abs as I played with the top of his tracksuit bottoms.

                                He put his hands on my face and pulled me toward him as his lips met mine like he was never going to touch them again. He ran his hands down to my short and ripped each side along with my underwear. He lifted me up slightly to fully pull them away. He then pulled down his tracksuit bottoms and boxers, showing me just how hard he is. I positioned myself over his length and he moved my hips bringing them down as he entered me. I released a moan, that feeling alone had a shiver of pleasure running through my body. Each stroke brought me closer and closer to my release. The feeling of our bond as we moved together was heart pounding, I couldn't tell where I begun and he ended. The feeling of love was overwhelming through our bond, as the feeling of been complete for the first time. Erebus pulled me closer to him as he kissed me tenderly, moving slower as held the back of my neck and my lower back. I could feel it build and build with each slow movement as my heart started to thump in my chest as I held onto his back. The movements got  faster as I felt just inches from release, with the last two strokes we released together , I buried my face into his shoulder as I moaned. I stayed still as the sensation still ripped through my body.

"I love you" Erebus whispered in my ear breathlessly.

"Love you too" I said as I tried to get my breathing back right.

If its going to be like this or better every time, I'm never letting him get out of my bed once he is in it. I can still feel our growing bond. I could never live without this man. I wouldn't survive without him.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now