Athena, future to look forward to it

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Chapter 30

Athena POV

Over and over it played, my baby been killed by Zeus as Artemis tries to save her. Each time I see it, my heart completely breaks. No mother ever wants to see that. The only thing keeping me from going completely mad is that I can reach Trent's hand. We can't speak to each other, but Trent lets me know he is their every time I cry tears for our girl we lost. This is the worst torture possible, watching how you failed your child over and over again. Sometimes the images are different, my baby is alive and standing in front of me, but I have learnt there images aren't real after so many times trying to reach out and hold her only for her to be lying dead, unable to touch her after Zeus killed her. I know Trent is seeing something similar, I can hear him at times trying to hide the fact he is crying, he wants to stay strong for us. I dont even know how long we are here, weeks, months or years. I have lost sensation of my hands and legs from the chains along time ago.

                                         I could feel the pull me exhaustion pull at me til I closed my eyes and let the darkness claim me. It didn't last long as I jumped awake when a loud bang echoed through the room. I could feel some one move me around as they took my chains off. I didn't move or dare take my blind off, this is just another trick, I will never be free from here.

                                         I felt the blind been pulled away, I knew it was another trick when I opened my eyes to find Electra looking back at me. I just said

"This is just another trick, my daughter is dead, isn't it enough that I have to see it over and over again, knowing I failed her without doing this" I said.

"Mom, look at me, I'm alive, its me, Electra" the image said. She looked up at me, but I narrowed my eyes,  its not her.

She looked toward Trent, he hasn't moved, not even to pull his blindfold off.

"Dad, please look at me, I'm real, we are leaving now, Zeus didn't kill me" she said. But he didn't look at her.

She walked back over to me,  grabbed my face in her hands and made me look at her.

"This isn't a trick, im here mom, I'm real, I didn't die, if I wasnt real how would I have your chain with your memories, grandma's and mine. You gave me this as a gift like Aphrodite gave it to you" she said. I placed my hands over hers and held onto them. Squeezing them  to see if she is real.

"Is it really you Electra, I haven't been able to hold your hand before" I said, as hope began to build, could she be real, is my baby alive.

"Yes mom, its me, I'm so sorry I left you here, I thought you and dad died that night, I wouldn't have left you here if I knew, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" she asked trying to hold her tears back.

"Athena, is this real? it isn't another trick?" Trent asked as he moved towards us.

I  pulled her towards me as I hugged her taken in her scent, my tears feel dropping onto her skin, one after another. Trent dropped to his knees beside us, as she held her hand out for him to take, he was hesitant at first, as he looked at her and then at me. He took her hand in his, as she gave it a squeeze. He moved forward and wrapped his arms around me and Electra as he breathed in both our scents. After a few minutes she pulled away.

"Mom, dad, we need to leave now, before anyone comes" she said.

All I could do was nod, this is real, Electra is here and were leaving. Trent and I tried to follow Electra switching between walking and running til we came to a dead end, but Electra pulled us into the darkness as it wrapped around us. I tried not to panic as it wrapped around us, but it soon faded. I had to adjust my eyes, I saw a god approach Electra, but she kissed him, I looked around to find Hades standing in front of me as he welcomed me and Trent back.

"Were really back, its hard to tell what's real and what's not" I said.

"I can assure you, this is all very real, you are no longer in Tartarus, thanks to your daughter" Hades said giving Electra a smile.

I turned towards Electra, tears were once again falling down my face, but they were no longer tears of sadness or loss, they were tears of joy. I rushed towards her, wrapping my arms around her as I held her tightly. Trent wasnt long behind me as he wrapped his arms around us. I can't believe this is all real, my baby is alive and standing in front of me. My heart feels like it is going to burst with happiness. Everything I have seen, was a lie. But my heart thumped for another reason, I could feel Zeus presence before he appeared. Blood was pumping so fast around my body and my heart thumping so lovely I couldnt hear what was been said. I just saw Zeus's expression change, before he sent the bolt of lightning towards Electra mate. It was like all those images been replayed again when Electra stepped in front of him just as the bolt hit her in the heart, my baby sent out her own bolt of lightning and energy hitting Zeus.

                           It was like everything was happening in slow motion, as I watched Electra been hit with the bolt, her falling into her mates arms as her still body collapsed. I couldn't breath, my world has just collapsed around me again, I have just got her back, for him to take her from us. I didn't realise that Trent's arms were wrapped around me or that we were both on our knees. I released a heartbroken sob, I felt like I have been killed myself, I watched her mate s heart shatter as he look at my baby girl with so much love and heartbreak I had to look away. I buried my face in Trent's shoulder as he held me, I could feel his body shake as he tried to hold back his pain and heartbreak. I dont know how long I stayed like that, I could hear her voice, I looked up to find Hades helping her up. 

                                     What has just happened, I sat there shocked looking at Electra. I rushed towards her wrapping her in my arms, I dont care how she is alive, she is alive that's all that matters. After awhile Electra moved to stand up, it was only then I realised that the Erinyes were among us. I saw Electra approach them and turn and walk back to talk to them. I watched as she turned around and sent a bolt flying into Zeus as he flew backwards, but he stopped a short distance away, he began to move towards us again and that's when I realised it was Electra doing it. I looked at her closely, how could I not see she is a goddess, that means that he isn't her mate, I looked at him closely and realised the man kissing her is a god and Hades son. That is why she is a goddess and a powerful one at that. I didn't realise she was speaking til I looked back towards her, the Erinyes were moving around Zeus til they grabbed his arms and dragged him into Tartarus.

                Electra held onto my hand and brought me to Olympus, its was great to see Aphrodite and Ares expression when they saw me. I felt at home when I was in Electra, Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite arms. I felt home again, I have everyone here that means the world to me. Trent and I spent awhile in Olympus, catching up on everything that has happened since we were gone. When I heard Electra was rejected by her mate I wanted to hunt him down and kill him, but she thought them a lesson. My girl is so strong and has grown into a beautiful woman. I'm just glad I get to see her everyday. I have missed so many big moments in her life but I know there will be more to come. I can't give out I got to stay with Electra longer than I could ever ask for. I'm looking forward to going home to our pack and getting back to a some what normal life and even more excited that Electra and Erebus are going to follow us home in the next day or two.

The only worry I have is when Zeus is released is he still going to come for her, I'm going to make sure Electra is stronger than ever, I will not lose her again especially not to Zeus.

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