Arriving in town

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Chapter 2

After hours of driving and singing to linkin park, I have arrived in the town that is suppose to give me something that will resemble a normal life. After another twenty minutes, I arrive outside my new home that is suppose to be safe from the other gods and the underworld. I parked my car out side a small but beautiful house, it had granite bricks on the front with big bay open windows and a solid oak front door, I can see some of the symbols engraved on the door made to look like patterns. I say the inside is beautiful if Aphrodite has anything to do with It. My neighbors houses were a good twenty minutes walk away and I have a small wooded area behind it.

          I grabbed my bags from the car, I didn't bring much clothes because I also know Aphrodite will have it stocked to the roof with every sort of clothes and shoes, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, I haven't been able to go shopping for my own clothes in awhile. I walk up to the door, and took the key out of the fake brick on the wall near the door like Aphrodite told me. I opened the door, picked up my bags and walked through. Just like I thought, the house is immaculate and stylish. The kitchen bright, airy and opened planned, will all state of the art appliances, it then leads to an opened planned sitting room area, with two big comfy red couches and one small one, which are all facing toward a large open fireplace with a tv bolted to the wall above the fireplace. There is a book shelf to one side of the fireplace, stacked with books and on the other side is a shelf stacked with DVDs.

                                                 I head upstair with my bags to see my new room. There are three doors upstair, so I open the first door on my left and its the main bathroom, it has a big shower that would fit three people, there is a large round bath and a tall radiator that holds my towels, two sinks and one wall is completely covered with a mirror. I closed the door and open the next one that is on the right,  perfect, its a home gym with everything I could want and need, even better there is a tv on the wall and a sound system. The next room must be mine, I open the door to find a large beautiful room. The walls are done in a dark cream except one wall which is done in a wine red colour, a large four poster bed sits against the far wall with bed covers to match the red wine on the walls, the curtains match the covers, I have a large bay window with a window seat under it. I have a dresser and two lockers with matching lamps on them. There are two other doors in the room, I open the one on my left and found another bathroom, its not as big but its has a large shower, two sinks and a mirror going across the length of the wall.

              I take a long look in the mirror, I look tired and worn out, my jet black hair is tied back and messy, when its down it goes past my ribs in loose curls, my black hair is the only thing I got from my father, the rest is from my mother, I have amber coloured eyes, with thick black lashes framing them, I have a small nose and full ruby red lips, my skin isn't tanned but the colour of porcelain. I have a full chest and I'm slim but curvy in the right places, I have long toned legs, I am 5ft 9 inches, I resemble my mother in every way except the colour of my hair hers was a dark blood red colour but I'm glad I got some feature from my father. I take one more look and leave the bathroom, I walk towards the next door and open it, its exactly what I expected, full to the brim with clothes, shoes and runners but the thing that stands out the most, are the weapon that are on the wall at the very back, I walk towards them a gently trace my finger along my mothers sword and her guns. I can use and fight with both. My father trained me every day with the pack but my mother alway trained me after, showing how to use my extra strength and speed to my advantage, how to use my fire and air elements. I can still remember when I was little and I use to watch her train, she was alway beautiful and graceful when she fought during training, she was always stronger than the other wolves but she used to take it a bit easier on my father, she didn't want to damage his alpha ego. You could always see how much they loved each other, it was always clear to see in their eyes when they looked at each other.

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