Jack POV, counting every heartbeat

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Chapter 9

Jack's POV

I felt pain instantly when I finished rejecting her. I tried to hide how I felt, honestly, I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her, even do she is dressed in the most unappealing outfit, but I could tell she has a body the girls in my pack would kill for, hell, Leyla would kill for it. I thought Leyla was the hottest thing I have ever seen, but she looks like a mess of makeup and bleached hair compared to the raven haired goddess that was currently walking away from me after she accept my rejection without a thought, but what really surprised me was that she knew what I am. Not many human do.

     There is something about her do, she is human but I can feel a dangerous aura off her but she also has massive sex appeal coming off her in waves, I just knew by looking at her she would be would be a great fuck, I couldn't stop myself from getting hard as I watched her walk away, but wolf is trying to claw his way out, he tried to fight me to completely take over when I realised she was human, he knew I wouldn't accept her, but he wants her and now, he is snarling and growling inside me, I have never felt him this anger or strong before. I hadn't even realised Kenneth was speaking to me, I was too caught up watching her disappear in the crowd. 

                                       Kenneth still wants to torture her, for damaging his pride, even do he was happy enough to take help off a female alpha who saved his and the warrior's from getting the shit beat out of them. She is all he has been talking about, the way he is going on you would swear she is his mate. If I have to hear one more time how strong and sexy she is, I think I might just rip his throat out and be done with him. I have warned him not to tell anyone I have found my mate and that she is human, I would be humiliated, having a weak Luna, she would be an easy target to attack and I have worked to hard to keep this pack strong to throw it all away for a human, even if she is my mate.

         I walked towards class, listening to all Kenneth's plans for her, but instead of wanting to join in, I find myself trying to hold back from wanting to kill him for even suggesting half of it and that's not even my wolf coming out. I walk into class but the first thing I noticed was my mate sitting in the back. I smirked waiting for her to look up and see me, but she never did, I tried to hide the disappointment so it wouldn't show on my face. I sat back in my seat talking with Kenneth and some of our warriors, they were making their own plan to get to her, but I found myself unable to look away from her, she really is beautiful. I know she can feel me staring right at her but she never once moved to look at me. I would give anything to know what she is thinking because she looks so lost in thought, probaly thinking about me.

                           Every class I had with her I did the same stalker routine, I couldn't stop myself from staring know matter how much I wanted to look away. I know one way to forget about her and give me a release and her name is Leyla, the most obliging girl I know. When the bell for lunch went I headed to the cafeteria knowing Leyla will be there waiting as usual. I walked in and just like I thought, Leyla was there, I felt the same way I did this morning, I really looked at her this time, there isn't one thing that I can pick out on her and say it makes her hot, she is a complete fucking mess, too much makeup, her hair looks burnt from bleaching it and her body just looks okay now, nothing special, but that doesn't mean I won't use her, she is still a good fuck, I just won't look at her during in, possibly find a dark room making sure I can't see her.

                                            I walked towards her with my usual smirk, yeah I'm cocky but with good reason, I have dark black hair that I leave messy, deep blue eyes, strong features and some stubble, my body is strong and packed with muscles, I have a large tribal tattoo across my back, shoulders, chests and down my arms and I'm six ft three. The minute I sit down, Leyla wraps herself around me, pissing off my wolf and me, was she always this clingy, I can smell at least four different scents off her, so you can understand when I say she is obliging, what I mean. I could feel someone burn holes through me, so I look up shocked to find my mate looking at me with nothing but disguist, I will give her something to look disguisted at, I leaned in to Leyla and kissed her, when I stopped I looked up with a smirk waiting to see hurt on her face, but she was know longer standing there, I smiled thinking I have finally got to her, that she has run out, but once again she shocked me, she was at the counter paying for her drink.

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