Returning home

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Chapter 31

When we got back to the house we gathered everything we needed to bring with us. I made sure to take my moms sword and her guns with me. Erebus came to stand by me as we had everything we needed. With just one thought we were standing inside my old home. I looked around and felt like I was finally home. I left Erebus's and my stuff in the room and went in search for my parents. I could hear alot of noise coming from downstairs, so that's what we followed. I walked towards the largest room and I opened the door to find the whole pack in there laughing and joking. I spotted my parents standing beside Chase and what must be Liam. He has grown over the last year. We stepped into the room and everyone turned to face us. My mother and father were the first to come to us,

"Electra, Erebus, your here I wasnt expecting you two til tomorrow, but I'm so glad your back sooner, I can stop worrying now" my mom said as she crushed my body to hers hugging me.

"I wanted to come as soon as possible, I got to say goodbye to all my friends, but I have missed my friends here so much, I couldn't stay away any longer" I said. The words haven't even left my mouth when I heard two girls scream my name and tackle me to the ground as they both hug me,

"We have missed you so much Electra, we are so happy your back safely girl" Leah said as her and Mia got off me and pulled me to my feet.

"I have missed you two so much, we are going to need a girls day to catch up" I said smiling.

"Definitely, we have so much to talk about" Mia said beaming.

"Oh my gods, I nearly forgot, I have to introduce you to my soul mate" I said slapping my head.

"Is he the major hottie you walked in with, cause damn girl he should be illegal" Leah said fanning herself playfully.

"Yeah that's him" I said smiling as I called Erebus over two us.

"Erebus, these two are my best friends, Leah and Mia" I said as he said hello to both girls who were now blushing like tomato's, I had to hold in my laugh at their reactions.

"So have you two found your mates" I asked.

"I did" they both said at the same time.

"That's great are your mates here" I asked.

"You know them, Daniel is Leah mate and Mark is my mate" Mia said beaming, they both loved those two before they even knew they were mates and what s better is those two never acted like most of the guys, sleeping around.

"That is great, their perfect for you two, I'm so happy" I said.

"Go say hello to everyone, we have all the time we need to catch up" the two girls said smiling.

Im so happy to be back, I have my friends, my soul mate and my family all in the one room. The pack seems so happy to have my parents back. My mom and dad look like their own selves again, Mom looks happy and dressed beautifully as always. That dead look Is gone from their eyes. It is going to be great to get back to school with my friends and get back into training with our pack. Erebus walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

"This is the start of the life you deserve Electra and I'm going to make sure your happy everyday for forever" he said.

"I will be happy just having you beside me, that's my idea of happiness" I said.

3 years later

I looked at my beautiful twins as the slept in their cots. I can understand now completely how my mom would easily give her life for mine. The twins are four months old now and I would do anything to make sure they are safe. My son was born first we named him Aaron, not long after my daughter Ariadne was born. Aaron takes after his father with his dark hair and golden amber eye with a cute nose and full lips like Erebus. Ariadne takes after my mom, she has dark red hair, her eyes are a beautiful amber, she has a cute button nose and full pouty lips. I felt erebus come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"They look so peaceful and affordable when they sleep, I think in a few years were going to have our hands full" erebus said laughing.

"I think so, they are powerful already and their so tiny" I said.

"And they already have us and everyone here wrapped around their fingers" Erebus said.

We turned around and left the room, every day has been perfect since we came home. At nineteen Erebus proposed in the same place my father proposed to my mother. It was absolutely perfect, we got married shortly after. The best day was finding out I was pregnant and It was with twins. Erebus was delighted, he is a great father and husband. I couldn't ask for more. The pack has been doing great, we are the strongest pack in the world. Cameron and Michelle visit us often and they have a little boy of their own, he is a year older than my twins. But he is going to be a heart breaker, he is so cute. Cameron pack is next in line after ours. He has proven to be a brilliant alpha. My pack love when they visit.

                                            My powers have grown stronger than I ever imagined. All I have to do is place a hand on someone and I will see their future laid out. But it is also a blessing as I can keep an eye on Zeus in Tartarus. But unfortunately last night, I have seen his future paths, he is going to escape Tartarus alot sooner that what he should be their for. I can see he still wants me and his obsession has only grown in strength. He still wants to claim me as his own. Especially when he saw a glimpse of my power and he will use whatever means he can to get to me. But this time their will be a fight to one of our deaths, he won't ever rest til he has me. But I know this time my mom won't let me fight alone. We are both fighting to protect our children. She is fighting for me and I'm fighting for my twins.

But I can see the outcome of his escape, if I can't kill him, the gods will be split and a war will follow, gods against gods and trust me the outcome will be devastating to all sides. I have about five years before he is free, but I can't see how he escapes, so it will be a waiting game.

Thank you so much for all your support for my books. I have the third book in the gods series up, its called war of the gods and it's completed, please check out my other news books, The Predator and it's sequel Royal Ruby are both completed,

Dark Angel and it's sequel Hell's Angel are completed, the last in the series Leaving Hell first couple of chapters are up and a new books The Last Warriors and Reborn. I would love if you could read them and give me you're opinion. Thank you xxx

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