Hex Nightclub

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Chapter 5

I dragged myself out of bed and into my shower. I let the hot water wash the memories from my past away as I tried to focus on what is to come. I need to find where that nightclub is, I'm going to be at nothing driving around I dont know this town or area enough, to attemp to find it without getting lost. I got out of the shower, wrapped my towel around me and walk out to my room. I grab one of the bags I brought with and pulled out my iPad and turn it on, I headed to my wardrobe to get something to wear, I pull out black leggings, a white tank top and tight white shirt that ends a little after my bum and pulled out my black ugg boots. I blowed dried my hair and straightened it for later til I decide what to do with it.

                              I picked up my iPad and put The Hex Nightclub, into the search engine. Only one club for this area with that name popped up. I had a look at the clubs details and checked out pictures. The name itself suggest its one of the clubs my mom used to tell me about, the ones that want the supernatural creature to be real, vampire wannabe's, little do they know that these is real vampires around them and werewolves, its nice for them when its a fantasy but it is scary as fuck for them when its a rouge vampire or werewolf that they meet.

                                          The only thing is the nightclub is extremely popular, only a few get in that aren't on the list, guess I will have to let my other side out if I need to. Better dress the part to get in, but nothing to much that I will draw to much attention, I'm there to protect this girl, not draw the attention of any horny teenagers, specially werewolves, there sex drive is ridiculous, the boys in my fathers pack were disgraceful, they definitely didn't follow in my fathers step and advice to them to wait for their mate, it went in one ear and out the other when any of the sluts from the other packs laid it all out on the table for them, but I do miss them and my friends, I'm suppose to be their alpha now, but they knew if anything happened Chase is to step into alpha position til I return if I don't his son Liam will take over, he is two years younger than me, he is fifteen now and my future beta.

                         I looked at the nightclubs location, its only an half hour drive from here. I think I will ring Mark a find out the names of the packs here, if their checking me out, I need to do the same. I took out my phone and searched my contacts for his name, when I found it, I pressed call. I waited til I heard his voice answer,

"Hi Mark, its Electra, could I ask a favour?" I said.

"Yeah of course, what do you need? have you been found? he asked one. question after another.

"No,no, I haven't been found, would you be able to find out the names of the two packs in this area and any information you have on them, they were checking out my house last night" I said.

"Yeah, know problem, you still have that email address active that we use?" he asked.

"Yeah its still active, will you send the information though that? I asked.

"Give me half an hour and I will send it, look after yourselves Electra, any trouble and you call me, okay? he said.

"Thanks Mark, you will be my first call, thanks for that, talk to you soon" I said.

I headed downstairs and looked through my DVD collection and picked out a horror called Insidious and put it on, I love horror films, well good ones, that actually might scare me. It wasnt bad but not that scary. I was getting hungery now so I made myself something quick to eat and brought it back into the lounge with me, I turned on Big Bang Theory, sat back and ate my food. I still find it hard adjusting to been alone all the time when I have been so use to having my parents and friends around, I dont know what do to with myself anymore, tv isn't the best substitution for family and friends, but its all I have now. Mabey I might get a chance to make friends here eventually but then again, mabey not with the reactions I have already gotten. I know I can't get to close to anyone because I will only end up put them in danger,  but I will slowly go mad if I have know one to talk to, I'm not going to tell them the truth about me but I wouldn't mind talking and a gossip.

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