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Chapter 22

"That's why I came Electra, that what I need to talk to you about" she said.

"What about them?" I asked

"We all thought that night that Zeus killed them, after he killed the demon, but I knew Zeus wouldn't kill them, if he did he knew he had no chance of ever claiming you, he needed a back up plan Electra, your parents freedom for you" she said.

"What are you saying Athena, are my parents alive?" I asked as my heart thumped in my chest.

"I'm saying your parents are alive Electra, but only because Zeus still thinks he has a chance at claiming you, once he finds out Erebus is your sole mate, all bets are off Electra, he might not keep them alive" she said.

I put my head in my hands, as I sorted through the images that have flooded through my mind nearly every night. My parents faces and the pit of darkness. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my parents faces, trying to see if what Athena  said is possible. But all I can see is the pit of darkness wrapping around me. I pulled myself back from the images and opened my eyes.

"Where did he put the Athena?" I asked as a sickening feeling began to build in me, I hope to the gods they are not where I think they are.

"Electra, I'm not sure you will want to know" she said.

"Are they in the Underworld?" I asked.

"Yes they are" she said.

I stood up, I know where they are, how could I have believed they were dead, I have left them there in the worst part of the underworld to suffer. I could feel tears build in my eyes, I am furious with myself, what sort of daughter am I, what sort of Oracle can't see something like this. I dropped to my knees, as my heart broke. All this time, I could have saved them instead of running and hiding. Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest and he soothed me by stroking my hair.

"Electra, what's wrong, this is good news" he said.

"I left them stuck there, I should have looked for them, I should have stayed instead of running, I left them in hell Erebus, I left them" I sobbed.

"Electra, baby, you had to run, they fought so you could be free" he said.

"Erebus, their in Tartarus, that black pit I saw and felt is where he is holding them.Tartarus is a place of torture, I couldn't breath after a couple of minutes of been in it, their there over a year, I left them there" I said. I saw Erebus look at Athena for confirmation of what I just told him, I looked for her response aswell and felt my heart shatter when she nodded, her own eyes full of unshed tears, she is so fond of my mother, I couldn't hold her at arms length anymore, I held out my hand for her to take. She immediately came to me in a second, wrapping her arms around me, holding me to her like her life depended on it.

"I am going to the underworld to find them" I said.

"Electra, Tartarus is under the underworld, there are so many realms down there to pass through and none of them are safe" he said.

"Then come with me, but I will not leave them there, I can't, I thought those images were to warn me, not them calling out to me. I was so convinced I lost them that I didn't even try" I said.

"Electra I will alway follow wherever you go, but you have to understand, the underworld is dangerous and you are still the prized target, for all they know. Yes, you are extremely strong but I can't lose you" he said tilting my face so I was looking into his eyes,

"I know you are going to go no matter what I say, so I will go with you, but you are going to have to work out what your powers are and how to control them. You will be stronger again in the underworld and if you can't control them and it draws attention, then we are no good to your parents if we get attacked down there. Athena will you help me train and figure out what her powers are?" he said.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now