Your punishment

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Chapter 27

The darkness around me started to disperse as Hades appeared before me. I looked around to see thousand of people waiting beside a river. My mind is so fuzzy right now, I can't recall what happened to send me here. I know if I'm here that means I dead. But how? is where I'm drawing a blank. I moved closer to the people who are waiting around, some looking as confused as myself. I walked towards the other people who were near the edge of the river. But before I got close, I felt someone's hand grab mine. I turned to face the owner of the hand and found an older woman standing beside me. She smiled at me and nodded her head, I followed her over to a bench and sat down beside her.

"Hello Electra, I dont think your suppose to be here, its not your time yet" she said.

"Does that mean I am not dead?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, you are, but not for long, your soul mate is coming for you so dont get onto the boat" she said.

"How do you know all this, who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Pandora, I was the Oracle before, I predicted your coming. You are the strongest Oracle the gods will ever have. You have what none of the Oracle before you ever had, a soul mate. You have powers to defend yourself from the gods who wish to claim you. You were born for great things Electra, you are the start of the new powerful oracles to come. Right now the Erinyes are searching for Zeus, no longer will he be allowed to rule over other gods when he is unpure of heart. You alone are the one to show Zeus he cannot claim who he wishes by any means possible, he has committed the worst crime for a god by killing an oracle" she explained.

When she said that, my confusion cleared as I remembered Zeus trying to kill Erebus for claiming me. I could feel my fury rise, first he take my parents, then he hunts me and now he has tried to kill my mate but ended up killing me.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"The Erinyes are allowing you to punish Zeus as you see fit and they will not come for you once you have decided Zeus's fate, you can do whatever you see fit as a punishment" she said.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do with him.

"I know what I am going to do" I told her.

"Good, now its your time to go, your soul mate is here for you" she said. I looked behind me to find a panicked looking Erebus. I turned back to say goodbye to Pandora but she was already gone.

I stood up and walked towards Erebus, I could see the relief in his face when he laid his eyes on me. He came running towards me, engulfing me in his arms as he buried his face in my neck.

"I thought I lost you Electra, never leave me again, I wouldn't survive without you, you are my everything, I love you so much" he said with his face still in my neck.

"I love you too, I won't leave you again" I said pulling back from him so I could see his face, he looked so relieved. He placed his hand on my face and his lips to mine, kissing me gently but with so much love my heart drummed in my chest, when he pulled away, he left me breathless. What this man makes me feel in just one kiss is ridiculous.

He placed his forehead to mine, smiling,

"I just have to talk to Hermes, I need him to send your soul back to your body and I will be back with you as soon as I can" he explained.

"Okay, I love you, be careful" I said.

I watched him as he walked towards Hermes, stopping as he reached the boats while he talked to him. I felt a pulling sensation, as my surroundings got darker til finally I could see nothing but blackness. I opened my eyes when the sensation stopped to find myself lying in Hades arms,

"Welcome back Electra" he said with a smile.

"Its nice to be back" I said as I sat up.

I looked around to find my parents wrapped in each others arms, with tear stained faces. When their eyes landed on me, my mom came rushing at me as she wrapped her arms around me, cutting off  circulation to my body. My father then came over and wrapped his arms around my mom and me. We stayed like that for ten minutes. I forgot house nice it is to be wrapped in my parents arms. I never thought I would ever get the chance to do this again. I finally have them back and I won't let anyone hurt them again.

My attention was drawn to the three Erinyes that were hovering around a fearful looking Zeus, I can't blame him they look scary as hell.. He knows he is has royally messed up. I started to walk towards him and the Erinyes. When I stopped a few inches away from them, the Erinyes turned to face me. I tried my best not to shrink under their gaze.

"Your fate will be decided now Zeus, the Oracle will choose as the crime you have committed is against the Oracle" they said together with hoarse sounding voices, as they stepped away.

Zeus made the mistake of smiling towards me and saying " you are always mine to claim Electra, dont ever forgets that, what I want, I get" he said.

I stepped back, turning my back to him, as the Erinyes approached me, I told them my punishment for Zeus, I waited for their verdict and after a few minutes I got my answer. I smiled when they nodded their agreement.

I built up my energy and turned around to face Zeus. I made eye contact with him and sent my own lightning bolt towards him knocking him off his feet and sending him flying backwards. I used my energy to stop him from going to far. I wrapped my energy around him and pulled him towards me. I held him in the air in front of me.

"For your punishment, you will remain locked up in Tartarus for the next hundred years experiencing your greatest fear play over and over again" I said, smirking when I saw his face drop.

"It is only a hundred years my love, you are a goddess now you will still be here when I'm released. You shall be mine Electra, even if I have to wait for a hundred years, but I shall think of nothing except how I will claim you" he said.

I glared at him,

"I will never be yours, next time I will be waiting for you, a hundred years is a long time to gain more control and strength of my powers, I won't be the one sent to Hades next time, it will be you" I told him, before the Erinyes grabbed his arms as the dragged him into Tartarus, I watched as they all disappeared into the black pit.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now