Heartbroken and shattered

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Chapter 26

It is like time froze for a few minutes, Zeus's eyes never left mine and I never took mine off his. I want to show him I won't back down, I'm not afraid of him anymore. He has no idea what I am capable of.

"I see Hades, that you have brought me the Oracle, or are you trying to keep her for yourself" Zeus said while he still looked at me.

"I didn't bring her for you or me Zeus, she has already been claimed, you cannot have her" Hades said.

"Oh and who dared claimed her, I can see clearly she is a goddess now, so which god claimed her, who thought they could take what is mine" he said as his eyes landed on Erebus.

"You do not own me Zeus, I was never yours to have or claim" I said.

"Oh Electra, your were always suppose to mine, you have grown into a beautiful woman or should I say beautiful goddess. I see your powers as Oracle has grown, its takes a powerful Oracle to see past the darkness of Tartarus" he said.

"I was never suppose to be yours, I have been running for over a year now because of you, I thought my parents were dead because of you, why would you ever think I would or could be yours, you disguist me" I said getting angery now.

"They were a back up plan incase you wouldn't come willingly, I am just going to have to take your soul mate from you to make you understand the lengths I will go to have you, is your soul mate Erebus, Electra" he asked.

"Yes I am Zeus, I won't let you take her, we have claimed each other, give up Zeus, let all of us live in peace now, this is over, you will never claim her" Erebus said.

I could see the change in Zeus when Erebus said I was his. I could see what was coming before it happened, but I still wasnt quick enough. Zeus released a lightning bolt aiming it at Erebus, this isn't what is suppose to happen, I moved with more speed that I ever have before. I placed myself in front of Erebus, building my own lightning bolt and energy, I threw the bolt and energy with everything I have at Zeus, as his bolt connect with my heart. Before my eyes closed, I saw Zeus been hit with my bolt and energy, sending him flying into the air.

I could feel myself fall into Erebus's arms as I took my last shakey breath before I felt myself slip away as darkness wrapped around me.

Erebus POV

I watched as Zeus's face change when I told him Electra and I have claimed each other. This needed to end, but Zeus never was one who liked to lose. But I never expected what he did next. I could see him build his bolt and send it towards me, it happened so quickly my body didn't even react. I closed my eyes and I waited for the pain to come when the bolt connected with me, but it never came. I opened my eyes to find my beautiful goddess standing in front of me. She sent her own bolt and energy towards Zeus. I felt so much pain as the bolt connected with her, I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest.

I fell to my knees with my goddess, lying still in my arms. My heart is thumping in my chest as my blood pumps furiously through my veins, blocking out every sound around me. I feel so numb as I look at her, she can't be gone, we havent had long enough together, I need more time with her. I saw my future only with her, if she is gone then I dont want to live. I could feel the tears build in my eyes til I felt them fall, landing gently onto Electra's beautiful skin. I stroked her face gently with my hand. My heart completely broke and shattered when I felt no electricity or sparks when I pressed my hand to her face.

"Electra, please wake up, you can't leave me, please" I begged. But I got no response.

"Please, open your eyes, you have to" I said knowing my voice was boarding on hysterical.

I felt a hand been placed on my shoulder, I looked up and found my father looking at me with pain in his eyes.

"Erebus my son, she is gone" Hades said.

"But she can't be, I haven't got to know everything about her, I haven't remembered every detail of her face yet, I can't live without her" I told him.

"I'm sorry son, this shouldn't of happened, Zeus has committed the worst sin any god could. The Oracle is never meant to be harmed or killed by another god, he will have to face his punishment soon" he said.

I looked around to see Athena and Trent, looking completely broken. Athena was in Trent's arms as they were both on their knees. Athena is sobbing as Trent looks completely shocked, his face is pale as he looks at his daughter in my arms, they have just found her after thinking she was dead, only to witness it happen truely in front of them. I looked towards Zeus, but he is still unconscious, if their is any justice he will be dead but my prayers were not answered as I saw him begin to move. He slowly stood up and looked around. When his eyes landed on Electra who lay completely still in my arms, I could see shock and fear cover his face. Why does he look so scared. He stayed completely still as his eyes were fixed on something behind me. I turned around and smiled to myself. We are about to get justice what for he did, as the Erinyes, also known as the furies appeared, they are scary looking creatures, I looked away, afraid that if I stared they would turn their wrath on me.

My father moved closer to me once again with his eyes fixed on the Erinyes, as he leaned down to me and whispered,

"Leave Electra's body with me, you need to get to the entrance of Hades, bring back Electra's soul before Hermes takes her across the river. Tell him I gave you permission to collect her soul, that the Erinyes are not happy, that Electra is to be sent back" he said.

How did I not think of this, my father is king of the underworld, of course he would let me bring her soul back. I just hope that her soul hasn't crossed over the river with Hermes. I placed my beautiful Electra in my fathers arms, I stood up to leave and looked at Zeus, I took satification as the Erinyes moved closer to Zeus, ready to make him suffer for what he has done.

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