First Kiss

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Chapter 10

The sun shined through my curtains as I finally opened my eyes slowly. I couldnt tell if the sun is rising or going down. I picked up my phone and saw it was six o clock in the morning and Wednesday, I slept the whole day Tuesday. I sat up, testing to see if there was any pains across my stomach, but I felt nothing, I will take that as a good sign. I stretched my body before I got out of bed. I grabbed underwear and walked towards my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and found I had was looks like a birds nest on top of my head and streaks of dry blood here and there, all in all, I could pass for a creature of the underworld. I took my jersey off and pulled away the plaster I covered my stomach with, I sighed, thank the gods there is no trace of wound except for paper stitches still on my skin.

                    I turned on the shower and turned it up to the hottest I can take. It was like heaven when the water hit my body, I felt dirty after sleeping for a whole day with dry blood still on me. I tilted my head down and let the water run over me, I saw the dried blood mix with the water as it swirled down the drain. I tilted my head up and started to try sort out my mess of hair, I scrubbed it with my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, along with scrubbing myself clean. After what felt like an hour, I turned the shower off and grabbed my biggest towel and wrapped it around myself as I used a smaller one to dry my hair.

                                            I have decided to take Ares adviced, I'm a born Seducer, I'm going to play him at his game,except for actually going as far as him, I will just let his imagination come up with the rest. I was thinking about him, I remembered he saw me come back covered in blood, he was right outside my house when I got to my room, I could hear his heartbeat. He is going to figure out I'm not human if he uses his brain for thinking about something other than himself. I'm going to play with him with that, he might know I'm not human, but he is going to have to figure out for himself what I am.

                                I put my bra and panties on and then walked over to my wardrobe, I might aswell put all these new clothes to use, I'm going to show he exactly what he gave up, I am going to have him begging on his knees when I'm done. I pulled out a dark navy skinny jeans, a white top with thick navy stripes going across it, I matched a navy fitted blazer with it and navy heels to match. I put them on except for the jacket as I started with my hair and makeup, I didn't want to go over board so I put on a thin line of liquid eyeliner, mascara, small amount of blush and finished it with a tinted red lip gloss to make my lips look plump, I left my hair down in loose waves falling down my back. I looked in the mirror happy with what I saw, I look sexy and not trashy like Leyla, I'm not overdone, I just highlighted my features. I grabbed everything I needed and walked downstairs to get my keys. I locked the door behind me as I walked over to my car and got in. I pumped James Arthur song, your nobody til somebody loves you.

                                    I pulled into the schools car park and saw Jack turn his head to look at my car. He leaned up again his car and stared toward me with a smile, what is going on with him. I saw Kenneth walked to him and lean against the car and look towards me aswell. Time to start this off, I let out the Seducer in me, but not all of it, I opened my door and stepped out, making sure I had to bend over to get my bag out, giving Jack full view of what he is missing. I could hear the sexiest growl escape his lips, it almost made me weak at the knees, almost, I closed my car door and started to walk past them, smirking as I saw both Jacks and Kenneth's jaws hit the floor. I could smell the lust coming off them in waves along with the other boys in the car park. I made sure to sway my hips slightly as I walked towards the entrance. I could feel jacks stare on me the whole time I was walking.

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