Another first

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Chapter 17


That kiss has changed everything for me, I no longer feel lost and scared. I will be free once he claims me. No god or demon can claim me now, last night Erebus slept in my bed instead of the lounge. It felt right to have his near and fall asleep in his arms. Falling asleep was the easy part, til images once again flooded my mind, most were of Erebus and me, showing me glimpses of our future and for the first time I can say I was happy to have this curse to get a glimpses of our life together. But the good is always followed by the bad.

Athena will be here by the end of the week. Something has changed with the images. A feeling of urgency came with them, that something has changed, something important and Athena is my link to this. Once again images of my parents came. But I felt panic and fear come with them. The feeling of been trapped and suffocated. This time I was the one stuck in the dark pit, I couldnt see anything but darkness as I tried to find my way out. But the harder I tried the more panic in me started to build, I felt like I was been crushed as the darkness closed in around me, I could barely breath. I started to scream for help, for someone to find me, but no one came, so I screamed again, this time I woke up to Erebus shaking me, as his face was cover with worry. I only needed to see his golden eyes for my body to relax, as he pulled me to him, kissing my forehead. I fell back asleep with him stroking my hair as I listened to his steady heartbeat.

I woke up to find myself facing a sleeping Erebus. I took in every inch of his gorgeous face, he truely is breathtaking. I smiled as I remembered some of the images of our future. I looked at all his tattoos and was shocked to see a new one over his heart. It was a smaller mark of the oracle with two lines of writing in the gods old language. This wasnt there last night. I pulled up my top and looked at the new lines on my mark and saw most of the new writing was similar to his. I looked at his again and traced my fingers over it gently. I smiled as I traced it. I dont understand why its is there when we haven't mated, but I'm glad he has a mark, I can only guess that its from us accepting each other.

I looked back up at Erebus to find him awake and smiling as he looked at me.

"Good morning, my goddess" he said.

"Morning" I said with a smile.

"Did you sleep well the second time, you scared me when I woke up to you screaming, was it a nightmare or something you saw as Oracle?" he asked worry evident on his face.

"It was something that is coming I think, its not like what I normally see, I was trapped in a pit of darkness with no way out, I felt like I was been crushed and suffocated all at once, I have seen this alot, but I never experienced it as I did last night" I said.

"I won't let anything happen to you Electra, I won't let anyone hurt you or take you from me" he said.

"I know you won't, its seems you have a new mark" I said smiling as I ran my hand over the mark again.

He looked to where I had my hand and the biggest smile spread across his face.

"This will be the mark I will treasure the most, do you have one?" he asked.

"Yes I do, but it came before our kiss, I think it happened after school yesterday" I said while lifting my top to show the new lines under my Oracle mark, he traced his finger over it as his touch caused spark to erupt.

I looked at him while he traced the lines smiling. I still can't believe he is mine, he is everything and more than I could ever ask for. He looked up at me and moved so we are face to face. He brushed my hair away from my face to behind my back, he then cupped the side of my face with his hand and leaned in as he brushed his lips off mine teasing me, til he kissed my lips gently at first, til I deepened it. My body felt like it was on fire starting from my lips and travelling down. I moved myself so I was straddling him, never breaking our kiss. I ran my hand over his abs moving up to his chest. I could feel him harden under me as he held my hip as I moved slowly grinding against his length, as he moaned at the sensation. That moan alone cause heat and sparks to travel down to my core. I have never felt anything like this, he makes my body feel thing I never thought I would, my sexual desired for him has started to grow rapidly. I want him to claim me already, something I never thought I would want so quickly.

I started to grind a little faster as he grabbed the sides of my shorts. I could hear is breathing get faster, before I could even blink, he flipped us over so he was now on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. He moved his hand back to reach my ankle as he slowly moved his hand up my leg to my tight, as his thumb brushed against the outside of my core, he moved his hand to the bottom of my top sliding it up my body as he lifted me up towards him, he placed one hand on my back, using the other to pull my top over my head. He broke our kiss looking at me to let him know if I wanted this or not. I smiled at him and pressed my lips to his again. I felt his hand move gently up my back as he opened the clasp of my bra and gently pulled it off me. He took in my now naked breast,

"You are killing me, Electra" he said with a sexy husk to his voice.

I smiled at him, he pressed his bare chest to mine, as sparks erupted, he kissed my lips gently as he moved them to my neck, kissing down it slowly, he moved his hand from my waist up to my breast, gently caressing them, as his lips moved along my breasts as he took my nipple in his mouth, gently sucking on it. I gasped as pleasure ran through my body. He gently ran his tongue over my hardened nipple. He pulled away and slowly pulled down my shorts and threw them to the floor. He leaned over me, kissing me again as his hand moved closer to my core til his thumb was slowly circling my bud. His other hand move to my breast squeezing it gently and massaging it. His thumb started to move a little faster as I felt something started to build inside me. I couldn't help but release a moan.

"That is the sexiest sound I have ever heard" Erebus whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body.

He started to move faster and faster as my body started to shake a little, I have never felt anything like this. I moved my hand into his hair and tugged it roughly as he moved faster. I grabbed the sheets wrapping it in my hand, as the sensation got stronger and stronger til finally a powerful sensation ripped through my body. I buried my face into his neck, moaning as I released, my heart was thumping in my chest as I tried to get my breathing under control.

"You have no idea how sexy you are Electra when you make that sound, I love you " he said as he lay down beside me and pulled me to his chest and wrapped us up in the sheets. Guess I'm not going to school after that, I thought happily to myself. I could spend all day, every day, just been with him, my feeling for he has grown so much since last night. He is right, the bond really is stronger , I can't get enough of him and I have a feeling I will be the one trying to get him to claim me. My whole body is begging to be claimed by him.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now