The House of Hades

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Chapter 24

I am lying awake in bed. I can't sleep know matter what I try. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow. I'm finally in control of my new powers and Erebus and me are going to the underworld to get my parents. I know its not going to be easy, Tartarus is under the underworld so to speak. A desolate place of darkness designed to torture who are placed there for crimes they have done against the gods. But my parents didn't do anything other than  protect me. It sickens me that Zeus but them there as a back up plan to make sure he can get me.

                                            I shutter to think what has been happening to them down there. I just hope we can get to them without given away who  I am, the gods can't know yet that I'm claimed, I need to get to my parents first before Zeus finds out I have already been claimed. I moved closer to Erebus, as his body automatically pulled me close to him. I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes. I need to be full strength and rested to have a chance down there and the possibilities that I could end up meeting Erebus father Hades. I let sleep take me.

                                I woke up to Erebus stroking my face, I opened my eyes and smiled at him as I leaned forward to kiss him.

"Are you ready for this today?" he asked.

"More than ready, hope everything goes to plan" I said.

"It will, we just need to be careful" he said.

"I know, I'm going to get a shower and get everything I need ready " I said kissing him and getting out of the bed.

I walked towards the bathroom and turned the shower on. I pulled off Erebus's t shirt and stepped under the hot water. I closed my eyes and left the water run over me, calming my nerves about today. I stayed under the water for half an hour and finally got out drying myself off. I walked out to the room to see erebus getting his clothes for today sorted. He came towards me and kissed me before walking into the bathroom to get his shower. I pulled out fresh bra and underwear, putting them on. I walked towards my wardrobe to try find something to wear. I saw Erebus's clothes are all black so I guess that's the way to go. I grabbed my black lace tank top, black shorts and my combat boots. I put them on as I took my mothers sword and strap out from my wardrobe. I blowed dried my hair leaving it down and wavey. I but on mascara, eyes liner and a small amount of black eyeshadow and clear lip gloss. I turned to look at Erebus's as he came out of the bathroom with a tight black t shirt, black jeans and his combat boots.

                                               I have to say he looks hot and dangerous. He smiled at me when he caught me checking him out.

"You look beautiful Electra" he said smiling as he leaned up against the bathroom doorway.

"You look hot in that " I said trying to stop drooling as I looked at the bulging muscles in his arms as he crossed them over his chest. I need to stop  or we won't be leaving this room.

"Come on, we will get something to eat and then we will leave" he said.

"okay" I said grabbing my sword and I followed him down stairs.

My heart thumped as I placed myself in Erebus's open arms. This is it, were going to get my parents. I closed my eyes and took in Erebus scent.

"Were here" Erebus said.

I opened my eyes and looked around, it was like the place was wrapped in darkness. It is like something out of an old horror film or medieval times. Just as I was about to step out of his arms, I heard something snarling and growling behind me. I turned my head slowly and found myself looking at Cerberus, all three heads of him.

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