Becoming paranoid !

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Chapter 13

Last night images of my parent floated into my mind once again, the only explanation I can think of is I'm getting glimpses of the past to warn me of something coming. That I will end up the same as them. I was once again caught in that bottomless dark pit, as panic started to take over completely, I couldn't find my way out, It was like I was been suffocated. But then the images turned to those beautiful golden amber eyes, I felt safe while I looked into them but the images soon changed to the surroundings of my house, he was close and from what I could feel he will always be close by.


                   I woke up and smiled as memory of having a great night came back to me. I really do hope I have made good friends last night, but I every time I think about it my stomach turns as the thoughts that me been selfish and wanting friends has put all of them in danger from just been around me. If I have, I just hope I see it with enough time to prevent anything from happening. Last night Cameron told me he trains his pack every morning and invited me along to join them. Its been so long since I have trained with other people, I could use this to my advantage for when Athena comes, I haven't had this sort of training since I left and I'm actually looking forward to it. I have thrown on a black shorts and tank top over my sports bra and my white and black hightops. I grabbed the address he gave me out of my handbag, got my keys and headed down stairs. I opened the fridge and grabbed a couple of bottles of water, threw them in my bag and left closing the door behind me. But when I stepped outside I couldn't help but feel like someone is watching me. I look around but I couldn't find the source. I got into my car and pulled out as I turn up Ed Sheerans, Give me love, and start singing along to it. I thought of Jack when the next track came on, You need me, but I dont need you!.

                 After a short drive of fifteen minutes, I was taking the next turn to Camerons pack house. As I got closer I could see a large but homely house. The garden was beautifully done with more flowers than I could name. I could see a large field at the side of the house where everyone was walking towards it. I parked my car outside their home, got out and looked for Cameron or Michelle. I then heard someone scream my name excitedly as I turned to see Michelle running towards me with a big smile on her face.

"Oh my gods Electra, I'm so glad you decided to come, I know Cameron will be delighted to see you, he knows your strong but if your training today he will be able to see for himself , he does be worried about you all alone, so am I to be honest" she said as she hugged me.

"You two have nothing to worry about, I will prove that to you both today, but thank you for thinking of me" I said as we released each other.

" This is going to be so much fun, I think all the warriors are dying to go up against you, especially when you have kicked Jacks ass." she said.

"Wow, plenty of fighting partners so" I said smiling.

"Yes, and most of them have are practically in love with you since last night, they have done nothing but talk about you, I can't wait to see their faces when they see you" she said laughing.

"Oh"  I said slightly embarrassed, the seducer in me was out last night.

"No need to be shy, were nearly there" she said.

I follow Michelle into the training field where everyone was standing. Cameron spotted me and smiled, as Michelle went and took her place beside him.

"Okay everyone, we have someone new training with us today, most of you know her and those of you that dont, her name is Electra and she is the first female alpha I have ever met, I hope all of you will make her feel welcome" Cameron said, as all the girls waved and the boys gave cheeky smiles, some were even blushing.

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