The after glow

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Chapter 20

My body got hotter and hotter, as I kept my eyes closed, shielding me from the golden glow that is wrapping itself around my body. I have no idea what is happening. I felt like my body was ready to burst into flames, when all of a sudden it stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, afraid that I would be blinded from the glow. But it was gone, I felt a hand gently caress my face. I turned my head to find a smiling Erebus,

"What happened?" I asked him, my voice sounded a bit different.

"Its hard to explain, part of it is from us claiming one another and the other reason is because  once your claimed your full power is released. You were claimed by a god and when that happened you became a full goddess Electra, you are every bit as powerful as the gods, possibly more powerful than most because you are the Oracle.

"So I'm a goddess now, is that why I feel so powerful?" I asked him.

"For the most part yes, but your full power as the Oracle has been released, as strong as you were before, your body wouldn't of been able to hold the amount of power you have Electra, you would have lost control at some point and you could have possibly ended up dead, if you received your full power as a demigod" he explained.

"Will the other gods sense the change?" I asked starting to panic afraid that my house was going to be ripped apart as the gods descend us.

"They wouldn't have felt it Electra, only because this house is protected, otherwise they would have known" he said.

I calmed down and smiled at him, It was then I noticed we were both still naked.

"How about sharing a shower?" I asked.

"Hmmm, I suppose I could" he said with a serious face, when he saw my face dropped he started laughing. I'm joking, I would love nothing more than to have a shower with you" he said still laughin a little.

He got up and pulled on his boxers, I looked around and picked up his black shirt and putting in on as I grabbed clean clothes for after the shower.

"You look so sexy in my shirt" he said as his eyes took in every inch of me.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, I dropped Erebus's shirt to the floor, as I watched his eyes roam on body as I stepped into the shower, I watched him drop his boxers as lust clouded his eyes as he stepped into the shower in front of me. I let the water run down my body as Erebus stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck, I turned to face him and put my lips to his, as I ran my hands up his hard stomach as the water flowed down around us. I let Erebus wash my hair as I stood with my back to him. I nearly moaned as he massaged on head, shoulders and back, loosing up the muscles in my body, I done the same to him washing his hair, laughing as suds feel down his face. This moment is perfect, everything that happened since we got home has been perfect. When we mated it was everything and more than I ever thought it could be, it was absolutely mind blowing.

"I love you Electra, I just hope you dont regret it" he said looking worried.

"I could never regret what we just had, it was perfect in every way possible, I love you so much" I said. 

He leaned his forehead to mine and wrapped his arms around me. We turned of the shower and dried ourselves off. I looked in the mirror and noticed a few changes. My hair is longer going down to the bottom of my back, I skin looked completely flawless, as my features are more defined. I have grown a couple of inches to about six ft two inches. My body is more toned than before but the biggest change is my eyes, they are now a golden amber, like the gods eyes.

"You are breathtaking Electra" Erebus said standing in the door way, as I smiled at him.

Each god or goddess have a title, I wonder what mine will be. I stepped back from the mirror and walked into my room.I got into my pj and erebus got into his grey tracksuit bottoms and a white tight t shirt.

Erebus lit the fire as I made us some sandwiches and grabbed us drinks.

I sat down beside him as we watched how I met your mother. I know I have to tell him about Athena, that she has found me and she will be here tomorrow.

"I need to tell you a part of what I saw, Athena has found me, she will be here tomorrow, I can sense she isn't a threat, but I dont know what to think, she is the reason I had to run, the reason my parents died, I trusted her and she betrayed me, I don't know if I want to kill her or fall into her arms" I said.

"Do you trust me Electra?" he asked.

"Of course I do" I said.

"Give Athena a chance, she didn't betray you, she was trying to translate the writing of you Oracle mark for years, she even asked me to help her, she didn't realise the gods had grown suspicious of her, until Zeus cornered her and snatched the pictures. She called Artemis straight away when Zeus found who you were" he said with fear in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this, what she was doing, what you were doing, can I really trust Erebus, how do I know you two haven't planned this all along, that claiming me wasnt part of some plan you two had" I said, even tough everything inside me screamed he wouldn't betray me, but fear was there, have I played straight into their hands.

"Electra, you can't fake the feelings we have for each other, your Oracle marks means you can only be claimed by someones who's love is pure for you and your love for them. I could never betray you Electra, I love you, you are my everything, if I was going to you would have seen it, I never told Athena where you were even tough I know she doesn't want to harm you, she just wants to explain things and what your mark and powers are" he said.

I looked deep into his eyes, looking for any sign of deceit, that he has betrayed me or that his love isn't pure, I didn't find any of those things, what I found was pure love for me and how he will always protect me.

"I love you too, but you should have told me, I will listen to her but I can't promise I won't try to kill her, especially now that we are evenly matched" I said.

"I understand that Electra, just let her explain, then you can do what you want to do, I will stand beside you, whatever your choice is" he said and I knew he meant it.

"Something has changed since I first saw her coming, something important" I said looking at him.

"Do you know what it is?" he asked.

"Its hard to tell its all jumbled in with the dark pit and my parents faces, I haven't seen anything else" I said.

"I guess we will find out when she comes" he said.

"I guess so, at least I will have some answers from her" I said.

Oracles to the gods. (Book 2 in the gods series)Where stories live. Discover now