Haunted dreams of the past & a glimpse into the future

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Chapter 4

I waited and waited for more wolves to turn up unannounced, but none showed up, pity, I wouldn't of minded a work. I decide to head to bed, if they were going to come they would have been here by now. I got into bed and lay there playing with the stones on my chain. I thought of my mothers memories and just like before, I was in that moment, watching my aunty Leah and Aphrodite, do my mothers hair and makeup. I watched as they blindfolded her, before they helped her into her wedding dress, they brought her to the mirror and took off her blindfold when she was ready, I stood up and walked closer to her, I needed to see her face, her eyes, sometimes I fear I will loose details of how she looked, I watched her reaction as she took in everything, I felt tears fall down my face, I wanted so badly to be wrapped in her arms again and feel safe and loved, but I knew that would never happen, but I will take anything I can get, I'm blessed just to be able to see this, I watched her thank Leah and Aphrodite as they left the room, she walked over to the crib I hadn't noticed, it was me in it asleep, she leaned over and looked at me with so much love, my heart broke, the memory started to fade as my room came back into view. I laid there without moving hoping sleep would take me, and shortly after, I could feel my eyes get heavy as sleep took me.

                                                My dreams were haunted by memories, as flashes of that night drifted in and out of my dreams, I saw my parents and me, sitting down on the couch cuddled together in front of the fire as we watched a film, the next image was of me seeing what was to coming and begging my parents to run with me, that they weren't going to survive if they stayed  but instead,they asked me the question I knew they would, would I be safe if they stayed and fought, I couldnt lie, my mom would know straight away, but it didn't mean I didn't try to. The next image was of Artemis appearing, full of panic, telling us what I already saw, what I already knew, the gods and the underworld know about me and their coming, Athena betrayed us, it all happened so fast, Zeus appeared and so did Hades, ready to fight for me, my mom put up a wall of fire between them and us, but it wouldn't hold them for long,

"You have to leave Electra, you have to run and never look back, we knew this was coming, everything is in place, we love you so much" mom said.

"No, I can't leave you, run with me, you dont need to fight, I need you and dad with me, I can't do this by myself.

"Sweetheart you have to, you are safe if we fight, we can't lose you to them, your too important, you are strong Electra, stronger than you realise, I need you to be safe, do this for us, go with Artemis, please sweetheart" my dad begged.

"I love you both" I said hugging them as Artemis has pull me off them, as I cried hysterically, I knew what was going to happen, I would never see them again.

"We will find our way back to you Electra, stay strong for us and keep fighting, were so proud of you, we love you" mom said as Artemis pulled me to her as we disappeared.

The next image that came was the heartbreaking one, Artemis and me standing in the woods, watching my home, as the fight continued, the house was shaking and cracking as my parent tried to fight the gods, when bolts of lightening ripped throught the roof, Artemis crushed me to her as I felt her tears fall and mix with mine, as we disappeared leaving my parents to die, fighting for something they thought was a gift, but if this is what destruction my gifts brings, I dont want it, and from that day I called it a curse, what gift can cause the death of the ones I love and leaves me with no choice, but to run and hide.

More images floated through my head, new ones, flashes of me standing in a hallway, with pain clear on my face, images of wolves flashing before me then its changes and I see a girl cowering in fear in an alleyway hiding from something or someone, she is dressed up for clubbing or a date, she looks around the alleyway and I catch a glimpse of a clubs name beside where she is hiding, its called The Hex, the images changes and a man is suddenly in front of her with a smirk on his face, the images stop there, as her voice fills my head, "help me", she repeated it a few times, before her voice turns to high pitch screams so real, I found myself springing up in bed, my heart is thumping as sweat drips down my body.

                                                   I take in deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart as her fear still courses through my body and her words still echo in my ears. I look at my clock, its ten o clock in the morning, I have enough time to find this club and alleyway, before this happens, looks like I'm going for a drive and then out tonight. I need find her and stop her going outside, its the only way I can stop this happening, I can prevent some of what I see happening, but most peoples paths are set in stone, I just hope hers isn't. She is human but that man isn't, he looks like a rouge vampire. I guess I will be putting my new stones to the test sooner that I thought, lets just hope they do what their suppose to do, or I will have more to worry about than just a rouge vampire.

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