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Chapter 25

The darkness felt never ending as it wrapped around me, I tried to stay calm and take deep breaths. I knew if I panicked, I would feel like I am been suffocated. What felt like hours, but really was only minutes, my feet touched a rough surface. The darkness started to disappear as a damp and creepy stone walkway appeared in front of me, lit by torches that were bolted to the walls. I took in my surrounding as screams of fear and the sound of insanity pierced my ears, making me jump. My heart is thumping in my chest so loud I'm sure it can be heard. I turned in a circle but found only the walkway in front of me and a wall behind me. I couldnt see any doors yet. But I remembered what Hades said, everything is not as it seems.


           I started to walk forward slowly, checking the walls as I moved. The screams were getting louder now, the further I move. I walk around the curve in the walkway and my heart drops. There are hundreds of doors. It will take hours to check everyone of them and I dont know who or what I will find behind any of them. I can't stay down here that long, I will be caught. Okay think Electra, Erebus said my powers are stronger down here, so hopefully that means my Oracle side is aswell. I close my eyes and picture my parents faces, once I picture them, I try concentrate on where they are and behind what doors. I suddenly feel a pulling sensation, like I'm been dragged forward. I open my eyes and let my body follow the pull. This place is never ending. Its likes a bad movies, replaying the same scene over and over again. Each door is exactly the same, no numbers or markings. I feel like I have been walking for hours, but the pull is still there and its getting stronger, hopefully that means I'm getting close.

          Finally I stopped outside a door, where I felt the pull stronger. I placed my hand on the door as flashes of my parents faces went through my mind, as they screamed out my name. I finally saw what torture they have been going through, it wasnt physical torture, it was mental. They are seeing a replay of the night Zeus came for me, but what their seeing is cruel, he is showing them something that never happened, their seeing Zeus catch me with Artemis, as he sends a lightening bolt through me, killing me instantly. This is what they have seen a hundred times a day since he left them here. That just makes me more determined to destroy him.

                                                        I tried to open the door but it won't budge, its locked. I use the anger and fury that's inside me and kick the door clean off its hinges and it hits the floor with a thump. The room is so dark, I can't even see past the door frame. I rip one of the torches away from the wall, breaking the bolts. I took a deep breath and stepped past the door frame. I looked at the walls for torches and saw some. I moved the torch to touch them, letting the flames light up. When they started to burn brightly, I slowly turned around, terrified of what I might see.

                                                My heart shattered at the sight of my mom and dad chained to the walls with blindfolds on them. They look so broken and weak. I can see tear stains down my mom dirty face, they are apart from each other but not by much, they have still managed to reach for each other as they are holding onto the tips of each others fingers. I put the torch down and walked towards them. I am so afraid to touch them incase I hurt them, they look so fragile. I walked towards my mom, put one arm around her waist and nearly broke myself when she flinched, fury burned like molten lava in my veins, I ripped the chains on her hands from the wall and gently placed her top half over my shoulder as I bent down and ripped the chains on her feet from the wall. I gently laid her down as I pried open the chains on her wrists and ankles as carefully as I could. I moved towards my father next, I pulled the chains on his feet first as I supported his weight with my arms, as I pulled the rest from the wall, placing him on his feet. I pulled aways the chains from both his hand and feet.

              I walked back over to my mom and pulled her blindfold away. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, but what shocked me was how dead her eyes looked.

"Mom, look at me, I'm alive, its me, Electra" I said. She looked up at me, but narrowed her eyes,

I looked toward dad, he hasn't moved, not even to pull his blindfold off, I got up off my knees and walked towards him and pulled the blindfold off. Again I was met with dead eyes.

"Dad, please look at me, I'm real, we are leaving now, Zeus didn't kill me" I said. But he didn't look at me. What the fuck have they done to them, could the gods really be this cruel to torture them to the point they think I'm just another trick me torture to them.

I walked back over to my mom, I grabbed her face in my hands and made her look at me.

"This isn't a trick, im here mom, I'm real, I didn't die, if I wasnt real how would I have your chain with your memories, grandma's and mine. You gave me this as a gift like Aphrodite gave it to you" I said. My mom placed her hands over mine, as she pulled them away and held onto them. Squeezing them as if to see if I was real.

"Is it really you Electra, I haven't been able to hold your hand before" she said, with a hopefull spark starting to light up her eyes.

"Yes mom, its me, I'm so sorry I left you here, I thought you and dad died that night, I wouldn't have left you here if I knew, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" I asked trying to hold my tears back.

"Athena, is this real? it isn't another trick?" my dad asked as he moved towards us.

My mom pulled me towards her as she hugged me taken in my scent, as I felt her tears drop onto my skin, one after another. My father dropped to his knees beside us, as I held my hand out for him to take, he was hesitant at first, as he looked at me and then at mom. He took my hand in his, as I gave it a squeeze. He moved forward and wrapped his arms around me and mom as he also breathed in my scent. After a few minutes I pulled away, we need to get out of here.

"Mom, dad, we need to leave now, before anyone comes" I said.

They nodded and we got to our feet. I smiled at them and gave them both a hug before I turned around and walked out into the walkway. I looked in both directions before I beckoned my parents to follow. I started to run as they tried their best to keep up. After half an hour of running and walking, we are finally at a dead end where I came in. I grabbed my parents hands and moved towards the darkness as it once again wrapped around me. I clung to my parents hands and prayed we will be brought back to the surface. After what felt like eternity, my feet once again landed on a hard surface, the darkness disappeared and I was engulfed in Erebus's arms as he took in my scents, but I never let my parents hands go. I kissed Erebus when he pulled away from the hug and placed is forehead to mine.

"Your back, I was so worried, its been hours" he said as he kissed my forehead once again, I gave him a smile.

I turned back to my parents as they looked around and their eyes landed where Hades was standing.

"Welcome back Athena, Trent" he said with a smile. I think that's all they needed to realise that this is actually real, that they are free and I am alive.

"Were really back, its hard to tell what's real and what's not" my mom said.

"I can assure you, this is all very real, you are no longer in Tartarus, thanks to your daughter" Hades said giving me a reassuring smile. He is making sure they know this is real and not another trick.

My parents both turned towards me, tears were once again falling down moms face, but they were no longer tears of sadness or loss, they were tears of joy as she rushed towards me, wrapping her arms around me as she held me tightly. My father wasnt long behind her as he wrapped his arms around us. I thought I would never get held in my parents arms again. Its feel so surreal, as happiness filled me. I have my parents back and I will keep them safe no matter what. I have my family and my soul mate.

Unfortunately, that feeling of happiness didn't long as the change in energy drew my attention from them. I pushed my parents behind me, blocking them as Erebus started to move closer to me. I turned around and my eyes locked with his, the bastard that tortured my family. I stood there never taking my eyes off a furious looking Zeus.

Hey everyone, dont forget to check out Dark Angel. Thank you all for your votes and great comments about my story. They are all appreciated, thank you so much :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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