Chapter 1

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Warning: This book was a 2016 summer writing project therefore it was written in the span of about 2 months. You'll find that some events seem to be rushed, and that was to get this done before the end of summer. All editings and feedback will be taken into account next summer, which is when I'll be editing and improving the story. Until then, Enjoy ❤.

"And the three time Extra Spicy Buffalo Wild Wing Champion, at at 5'4 and 107 pounds " Ashley, the petite blonde whom I also referred to as my best friend raised my hand in the air, "Javiéra DeVitto! At 63 wings in 2 minutes and 33 seconds." I smiled cheekily at the camera despite the sauce covering my face. As the camera snapped pictures of me, Ashley pulled me up. Pretending to pull her into a hug, I placed a big kiss on her cheek, smothering sauce all over her.

"Aagh!" She squealed. The camera continued to snap until I finally did.

"Alright, Deuce, give me my camera." He chuckled and snapped one more picture before I snatched the camera out of his hand. Sirens wailed in the background coming closer and closer. My eyes widened.

"Javiéra." Ashley said in a warning tone. Before I could say anything, blue and red lights flashed in my peripheral vision, snapping me into escape mode. I dashed away yelling,

"I'll call you later." I sprinted down the sidewalk stripping myself of my sweater and trackpants. I turned, finding two police officers hot on my tail.

"We know it was you, Javiéra!" The officer, whom I recognized as Officer Hendrix yelled. I laughed loudly dashing around the corner towards the end of my street.

"So we're on a first name basis now, are we Jimmy?" I teased and Officer Rogers spoke up.

"Now, Javiéra, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. What'll it be?" I stop abruptly, smirking in the dim lit street.

"I think you already know the answer to that." In one swift movement, I flip over the railing to Mrs. Johnson's porch and yanked the rope to the trap I had set up just hours before. Both officer's heads snap up as the net falls over them, trapping them underneath. I laugh at their enraged expressions.

"Javiéra!" They yell in unison. I walk close to them and kneel down.

"Something the matter?" I ask innocently. They both start yelling, garbling each others words. "Boys, boys, boys. Didn't your mother teach you any respect? One at a time." I know it's probably not the best idea to tease an officer of a law who you also have trapped for the umpteenth time.

"I am sure even a dimwit such as yourself knows how illegal it is to drive a car through the front of a store and then trap the police coming to arrest you." I tapped my finger against my chin pretending to be deep in thought.

"I don't remember that being in the rule book." Officer Rogers growls at me.

"You have ten seconds to get me out of here or else-"

"Or else what, or else you'll call backup?" I chuckle menacingly. "Go ahead, for all you know this whole neighborhood has been boobie trapped." They struggle against the net, but to no avail. I'm sure they knew that the moment it fell over them though. There was no escaping the wrath of Javiéra DeVitto.

"Alright, JJ. Threatening you has never really worked in our favor so I'll make you a deal." I eyed them carefully. No way were they giving up this easily.

"I'm listening." I said cautiously.

"Get us from under here then leave this town. Forever. And we'll throw the case. The car, the vandalism, every prank you've ever brought to this town. We'll wipe your record clean. All you have to do is stay as far away from us as you possibly can. And I mean that in the harshest way possible."

I won't lie, his words really hurt me. I mean, I know how much of a menace I am, but I didn't know my presence was so unwelcomed. This would be my third time getting kicked out of a town. And that was in New Mexico alone. My parents must be so proud.

"Javiera?" I sighed biting my lips, preparing myself to say the poisonous word that had managed to slip from my lips many times much to my parents dismay.

"Deal." I whispered.

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