Chapter 6

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Note: This chapter takes place a month after everything that has already happened. That being said, the characters have now known each other for a little over a month. I will begin working on filler chapters so you can see their bond grow but for now I'll leave it up to your imagination.


"Look at the bright side. One month down, roughly 7 more to go." Ashley says.

"That doesn't make me feel better."

"I know. I know. But the other day when I called you said you had some stuff to tell me, so spill."

"Right." I said, not as eager to spread the news anymore, "well I got invited to a football game, and they even let me dance with the dance team."

"You're on the dance team? That's amazing!"

"Well not exactly. See, when we first moved in Dylan, my babysitter invited me to this guy named Eli's party. I danced with him, it was pretty fun I guess. But then I went on the balcony to get some air and someone exploded his kitchen. And you know what, the dickhead blamed it on me! The cops showed up at my house and Mom was furious. She put me on lockdown and said if I got into anymore trouble she'd disown me. The nerve."

"Omg, JJ, I can't believe you didn't tell me this sooner. So was I right or was I right? You're totally into your babysitter." Slightly disappointed that that was the only thing she was interested in, I think it over. Dylan and I had grown closer over the past few weeks, but I wouldn't say I was into him.

"Not really. We're really good friends though." Deuce appears on camera.

"That's good news. How come we haven't been invited down yet?"

"I'm trying to lay low for a while now." I answered truthfully. "Mom's still kinda mad at me but she's slowly getting over it. Her and Stela are always away on tour so I doubt she still knows I exist." For the first time of the hour we'd been on the phone, I noticed what Ashley was wearing. She was dressed up like a fairy (well, really a two piece bikini with wings and a tiara) while Deuce was dressed like a vampire. "What the hell are you guys wearing?"

"Our costumes." Ashley stated as if it was obvious, "we're going to a costume party at Blaire's house in about five minutes. You planning anything for Halloween?" I snort.

"The only thing I plan on doing is ordering pizza and eating a big bowl of candy while watching Netflix." Ashley looked disappointed.

"You live in California. Someone somewhere is having a party and you should be there."

"Were you not listening to anything I said before? I'm on lockdown which means no parties."

"Yeah well, that didn't stop you from shaking your ass in the middle of the football field. I want your word that you'll go out and enjoy yourself tonight." I sigh. If I promised her that, I had no choice but to go out and enjoy myself because Ashley and I never went back on our word to each other.

"What happened to the Ashley that used to stop me from breaking the rules?"

"The same thing that happened to the JJ that used to break them. Besides I'm not insinuating that you should break the law I'm just saying I don't want you to feel like you have to throw your life away just cause you're across the country now."

"Thanks, Ash."

"No problem. And I want pictures for proof and please don't think I won't ask Dylan how you spent your night."

"I wouldn't expect anything less. Talk to you later babe."

"Byeee." They click off the screen and I huff.

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