Chapter 4

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I inwardly groan realizing how bad this must look. Obviously the police already thought I was guilty and running home with a guilty look on my face probably didn't look very good on my part. I gulped and slowly made my way forward, keeping my head down so I didn't have to see the mix of emotions that was my mom's face. Trying my luck, I walked around her amd tried to enter the house.

"Javiéra." She growled.

"Yes?" I said innocently, still not looking in her face.

"Where were you?" I spun around to meet her face, trying to explain to her that I was innocent.

"I was with Dylan mom, I swear."

"Really?" She said, in a tone that conveyed she was far from believing me.

"Yes. We were ju-" I pause when my Mom's eyes glance beside her and I find Dylan, dressed in the same clothes he had earlier with a guilty expression on his face. I bite my lip, surprised at his early betrayal. There was no way I was getting out of this now. One of the police officers leaves to talk into his radio. I pull Dylan aside, my mom keeping a careful eye on me.

"What the hell?" I hiss at him.

"I should be asking you the same thing. Exploding his kitchen, what the hell were you thinking?" I blink up at him surprised at his words.

"What! I didn't set off any explosions at his house, I was on the balcony when it happened?" He eyed me suspiciously then said,

"Eli seemed pretty convinced it was you."

Eli. I barely even knew the guy and I already hated him. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find both officers staring at me, waiting to reveal my doom.

"You're a very lucky lady, ma'am. The victim stated that he won't press charges and no punishment will be necessary." He turns to speak to my mom and I go back to my conversation with Dylan.

"Why the hell would he think that?" Before giving him time to answer, I fire more questions at him. "And how the hell did you get here so fast? And how did you change your clothes so quickly? Why the hell did you change?" He opened his mouth to answer when a pair of fired up hazel eyes invaded my vision.

"House." Mom said through gritted teeth. "Now." I glared at Dylan who didn't bother to intervene as I stumbled into the house. Mom started on me the minute my foot stepped past the door frame.

"What the hell has gotten into you? We moved all the way across the country because you couldn't stay out of trouble. The nerve of you to blow up someone's kitchen when we haven't even been here a full day." She inhaled deeply. "I tried to give you a chance, Javiéra, I really did. But you've left me no other choice. You are on lockdown." I froze. She did not just say that.

"But mom-"

"That means no parties, no sleepovers unless it's under my supervision, and when Stela and I go off on her tours you'll stay here, without stepping more than 20 feet away from the yard."

"Mom you-"

"If you break any off these rules there will be severe consequences," she continues, not listening to a word I have to say, "and I'm not talking lectures anymore. If you can break the rules, you can suffer the consequences. So, if you get into anymore trouble, I will disown you. I've told you time and time again that your behavior does not reflect well on your sister yet you continue on with your chilidsh actions. And when I disown you don't even think about coming back here. This will no longer be home to you. Find someone else to put up with your foolish shenanigans." Tears prick at my eyes, but I blink them away.

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