Chapter 24

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The fact that it was Friday and Eli hadn't said another word to me about the dance had really put a damper on my mood. But Ashlyn seemed more than eager to discuss all the things she wanted to get done this weekend.

"I'm really bummed out though, if I use all my money to get my nails and hair done like I want I won't have enough money to get a decent dress. I want to look perfect for Jared."

"You mean he finally asked you?" I ask. Along with her constant pestering about how excited she was to go shopping, don't get me wrong, I was excited too but jeez, she'd also been complaining about the fact that Jared still hadn't asked her. I made a mental note to ask him what the hell was up, but forgot, being so wrapped up in the fact that Eli still hadn't asked me.

"Well, no," she says, looking slightly bummed out but perking back up almost instantly, "but I'm confident he will."

"Pfft, I've been saying that all week about Eli and nothing."

"Really?" She says, looking genuinely surprised, "I was sure he would've sent a text message by now."

"You think that's how he'll do it?" I ask, hoping my disappointment didn't show. I didn't need a horse and carriage but the least he could do was ask face to face.

"Well, yeah, Eli doesn't seem like the romantic type. Dylan's proposal will probably top his, and he didn't even really ask." I bite my lip. I suppose that's okay as long as he just fricken asks.

Maybe I should take Stela's advice...


"Oh, well, how do you think Jared will do it?" She sighs.

"I don't know, we'll probably have just finished banging and he'll casually ask. He's not the romantic type either." I'm about to ask if she's okay with her and Jared's 'relationship' when a hand lands on my shoulder. I look up to see Dylan.

"What's up Dyl-pickle?"

"Nothing much, Hollywood. I gotta go to my gym locker to take my athletic stuff home before break. Walk with me?" I wrinkle my nose.

"Why not ask Eli or one of the other guys?"

"Because we always walk home together. I'm not asking you to carry anything, just walk with me." I sigh, looking back to Ashlyn.

"See you tomorrow?" She nods before turning the opposite direction to exit the building while Dylan and I walk across the schoolyard towards the gym.

"So, have you decided who you're going to the dance with?" I ask to which he responds with a sigh.

"No, I might just be a loner with Max and Alex." I frown.

"I thought Alex was going with Kira?" He shakes his head.

"The boy's got way too much pride, he and Jared run into the same problem. Even if Alex sucked it up and asked her, Principal Tubman would never agree to it. He hates Alex with a passion."

"What about Max?" He chuckles, showing his surprise by the question.

"He insists there's no use in asking his internet friend since she lives on the other side of the country."

"What's her name?"

"I don't know. I don't think a relationship with someone you've never met in person really works out. No point in memorizing trivial stuff."

"That's some faith you have in your friend." I say sarcastically. He shrugs, shoving foul smelling gym clothes into his bag. "I just wish Jared would hurry and ask Ashlyn. I empathize with her, I really do, but jeez." Dylan frowns, shutting his locker and turning to leave.

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