Orgasms, Strippers, and Blowjobs

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"Angelface," my eyes flutter open and I search the hotel room for the source of the voice. I find my phone on the edge of the bed and put it to my ear.

"Yeah?" I say, still half asleep.

"Happy Thanksgiving." I smile, even though he can't see me.

"Thanks, Eli. Happy Thanksgiving to you too."

"You're still in bed?" He says, more of a statement than a question. I look at the clock and see that it's after 12.

"No, no, I've been up for a while." He chuckles.

"Right, so you know you should be up wishing your family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving too." I snort and climb out of bed as quietly as I can.

"For your information, I'm coming out of the kitchen right now." I push the phone away slowly and yell, "Yeah, the pumpkin pie tastes fine, Grandma."

"Tell 'Grandma' I said hi," Eli taunts as I open the room door for my great escape. As soon as I walk out of the room, I run into a rock hard chest and a pair of firm hands grasp my waist. "Maybe you wanna put some clothes on before you sneak away?" I look up and a smile spreads across my face.

"Eli!" I squeal, throwing my hands around his neck. "How long have you been here? Wait, how did you find me?" I step back cautiously, "were you stalking me?" He laughs, showing off his dimple.

"No, I just got here a few minutes ago. But, I know you Angelface. And you're far from a morning person."

"Okay, but how did you find me?" He sighed.

"I asked the lady at the desk." His face twists with disgust, "she's a real goldigger."

"But how'd you know which hotel?"

"I did a little research." He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "But that's not important right now." He sweeps me off of my feet and carries me bridal style back into the room kicking the door closed, and pinning me onto the bed. With a lust-filled look in his eye and a smirk on his face he leans close enough for me to count each and every one of his eyelashes.

"I find it kind of unfair that you didn't live up to your word last night."

"And what exactly would that be?" Trailing his finger down my thigh he says,

"Well someone told me that if I were to fly all the way here, I'd find you in your birthday suit." Running my fingers through his hair I say,

"And I'm pretty sure that someone also told you she was just kidding."

"Excuses will get you nowhere, Angelface." He brings his face closer to my neck. "In fact, I think-" The room to the door flies open and without thinking, I kick Eli in his man parts and shove him to the floor. Ashley's knowing smile invades my vision.

"Tsk, Tsk, Javiéra," she pretends to scold me, "here I was thinking my best friend might be in trouble and instead I find the only 'trouble' I saved her from is her kids finding out they were Thanksgiving sex."

"Serves you right, Ash." I crouch on the floor to check on Eli, "I told you, you've gotta learn to knock."

"Noted." She winks. "Deuce and I will be waiting in the parking lot so hurry it along."

"I am so sorry," I say, helping him stand.

"Don't worry, I'll get you back later." He winks at me before collapsing on the bed. I go to my closet and pull out a hot pink long sleeve v-neck tunic dress. It stops just above the knee, and I pair it with a pair of grey boots and a light pink scarf. When I come out of the bathroom, Eli's laying on my bed with his hands folded behind his head.

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