Chapter 2

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"What do you mean we have to leave? ¿Qué demonios has hecho esta vez. Esta es la tercera vez, Javiéra." I sighed, already used to my mom's lecture every time I dropped the bomb we had to leave. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Stela glaring at me. Mom sighs and brings her hands to her head.

"Ayeyiyi , chica, what have you done. Just when your sister was finally starting to adjust. Se ha ido, pack your things." I hauled tail up the stairs, making it to my room in a record 6 seconds and giving my furious sister a triumphant smile before slamming the door in her face.

"Javiéra!" She yelled banging on the door.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I dared poke the bear. She continued to shout curse words at me and bang on the door. Suddenly, the banging stopped. I ceased shoving the millions of clothes in my closet in the duffel bag and crept over to the door.

"Nice try, Stela. " I said upon noticing her feet were no longer at the door. "I may have fell for that once when was 7, again when I was 12, again when I was 15, and a few days ago, but I have learned from many, many, many," I paused and counted on my fingers, "many mistakes." I leaned against the door. "Stela?"

Slowly and carefully, I pulled the door open and peeked around both sides, heaving a sigh of relief when I noticed she wasn't there. Suddenly, I felt hands gripping my shoulders. I looked up to see my sister hanging on to the ceiling by her legs and grinning at me maliciously.

"MOM!" I screamed just as she backflipped and pushed me into my room, slamming the door and pinning me to the floor. Her eyes had an evil glint in them and the grin was replaced with that oh-so-familiar scowl.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I said, shoving her off of me and flopping onto the bed. She sighed and threw her hands in the air.

"Why?" She said looking up at the ceiling. "Why, Lord, couldn't you have blessed me with a normal sister? Why must I be stuck with this impossible, immature, no-good-"

"If you're done ranting, I'd like to finish packing." She turned and glared at me.

"Let me add selfish to the list. Of course you'd like to pack. But don't you ever stop to think what I want, what Mom wants? Let me answer that for you. You don't. I was so close to living a normal life and you just have to rip it away because you're so pathetic you have to live your life through me."

I faked a laugh. "Oh, that is rich. Oh mom, can we please move to California so I can live out my dream as an actor/ singer/ model. Oh don't worry about Javiéra she'll get over it. I am so sorry to inform you that, whoops, still haven't gotten over it. This isn't Hannah Montana, you don't get the best of both worlds. Don't act like all the times we had to move so you could live out your little dream didn't affect me. Mom and Dad were so wrapped up in your life, they didn't give a damn what I did."

"Oh wah, wah, wah," she pretended to cry, "My sister's famous and gets all the attention so I'm gonna be a little bitch about it instead of taking her up on her offer and joining her. We could'be been like the Olsen twins, Javiéra, only more talented and better looking. It was all up to you. You made your bed and now you have to lay in it. But let me give you a tip because you can't seem to figure it out yourself." She stepped closer to me, her hazel eyes glistening with anger.

"Grow up, Javiéra. We're not seven years old anymore and you can't turn all the attention on you by shoving icing up your nose. This is the last time you get to ruin my life. " She strode towards the door, her brunette hair swishing behind her. She swung it open and whirled around, seriousness in her eyes. "And just so you don't think I'm bluffing, don't bother speaking to me until you grow up." She threatened bitterly, turning tail and slamming the door behind her. I rolled my eyes, mimicking her and shoving clothes into my bag.

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