Chapter 7

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"Oh yeah, I've been having a great time here, I'm so glad you asked." I pause, awaiting her response but she continues spreading jelly on her bread with an expresion on her face that says she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"School? Oh yeah, school is great I've got another girl friend and her name is Ashlyn and she's so much like Ashley." I place finger on my chin like I'm really thinking. "Yeah, you're right. It is kind of creepy."

"Okay, this is just downright pathetic." Dylan puhes himself off the wall and joins me at the island, an amused grin on his face.

"Hola, Dyl-pickle." Stela says, her face instantly lighting up.

"Hi, Stela. How's it going?" I throw my hands up.


"Hey, don't beat yourself up Hollywood. Anywho, the guys and I are going down to the beach today, wanna join? Ashley will be there. And before you say anything, yes I've already talked to your mom." I squeal and clap my hands.

Dylan is dressed in his usual t-shirt and board shorts. I wear a black two piece bikini underneath an orange sundress with black sandals.

"Ready?" He asks once I'm downstairs. I nod and we head towards the beach, him clutching a surfboard.

"So you gonna teach me?" I ask.

"To jaywalk?" I roll my eyes.

"To surf, dumbass." He looks surprised.

"You really wanna learn?"

"I asked didn't I?" I can see the beach clearly now. We're the first ones here. Dylan takes my hand, pulling me to a spot in the sand. I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to surf in the water." He chuckles.

"It's better if we practice on sand first.

Alright, now lie belly-down on the board so that your body is lined up straight down the middle of the board." I do as he says. "Good, now practice your paddling so you can get used to how the muscles work." I pretend paddle the way I've seen it done on T.V. I hear Dylan snicker beside me and raise my eyebrow.

"Something funny?"

"No, no. You're doing good. Alright now this parts important. It's called the pop-up.While lying on the board, bring your hands up from paddling and place your hands below your chest, palms on the flat of the board while your fingers curl over the sides of the surfboard." He demonstrates.

"And you gotta be quick, push your body up with your arms and tuck your feet up and under you. Place one foot where your hands pushed up from and the other at least a shoulder's width behind." I take a deep breath, trying to remember everything he just said.

"That's good, but don't grab the rails or edges of the board unless you want a gash on your chin." I try again, this time not grabbing the edges.

"Beautiful. Now, once you've taken off, keep your knees bent, your arms loose and extended, your feet planted on the board, and your torso leaned forward to lower your center of gravity." He demonstrates again, looking like a proffessional and I imitate him.

"Okay, when you're in the water, you gotta find your sweet spot. That's gonna be where your nose is slightly above the water.

"You're probably gonna find the spot where you want to do your actual surfing in waist deep water. Paddle straight and stay perpendicular to the oncoming waves.

"When you find the wave you want, make sure you know it's speed and direction. When it's time, keep your feet planted on the board, your knees bent, your arms loose, and your eyes looking in the direction you are going and boom, you're now surfing your first wave! Stay focused and let it carry you in to shore. Make sure you keep an eye out for other surfers."

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