Chapter 20

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It was officially Friday afternoon and Eli sat on my bed fingering through a catalog while I rummaged through my closet in hopes of finding something decent to wear for my date with Dylan tomorrow. Since the weather had grown noticeably chillier, I decided on a casual loose t-shirt dress with a plaid scarf and boots. After checking to make sure Eli isn't watching, I strip from my shorts and sweatshirt and into the outfit. My eyes trail over the outfit in the full length mirror and I smile satisfied. I turn to Eli.

"What do you think?" I ask. He glances up for a millisecond before returning his attention back to the catalog

"Looks nice." He mumbles. I frown, storming over to him and snatching the catalog. "Hey!" He whines.

"This is from last December, it's no good anymore. Now, seriously, tell me what you think." He throws his hands in the air.

"You look beautiful. You always look beautiful. Jeez, you could go on your date in a freaking swimsuit if you wanted and it wouldn't make a difference." I tilt my head, making my way over to my dresser and pulling out a pink and green two piece bathing suit.

"You mean I could wear this if I wanted?" I ask, teasingly.

"No." He practically growls, sitting up quickly. I raise an eyebrow and he relaxes, folding his hands behind his head. "I mean definitely not on a date with Dylan. He's a perve. Maybe I classy guy like moi." He smirks. I chuckle, shoving the bathing suit back into the dresser.

"I don't think Dylan's a perve, he saw me in my underwear the other day and nearly peed himself." His expression darkens and I stifle a grin.

"Why did he see you in your underwear?" He sees me struggling not to laugh and grows even more frustrated. "What the hell is so funny?" I giggle softly, shaking my head.

"Nothing. You're just," I laugh, preventing me from continuing, "you're cute when you're angry." I turn back to my closet, removing the scarf and slipping the dress off of my shoulders. Just as I bend to pick up my sweat, cold hands wrap around my midriff. I stiffen but don't move. His warm breath sends tingles down my spine.

"Did you need something?" I manage to squeak out. He spins me around so that our chests are touching and I blush under the burning intensity in his granite eyes. Our faces slowly gravitate toward each other, like magnets, but Eli breaks the moment by laughing. My eyes flutter shut in disappointment.

"What's so funny?" His eyes shine with an emotion I can't quite place as he brings his hand to my cheek.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He pulls away and I release my breath, quickly putting my shorts and t-shirt back on. Eli stands in my mirror, staring at his reflection like he expects it to morph right in front of his eyes.

"Text me if anything goes wrong during your date, alright?" He says so softly, for a second I think I imagined it. I knit my brows.

"Why would anything go wrong?" He sighs, turning to face me.

"Just a reassurance. You'll call though?" He raises his eyebrows questioningly.

"Er, yeah." He smiles an adorable lopsided grin.

"Good." His smile is so contagious that I find one creeping onto my face even though happiness is the last emotion I'm feeling. Was he just being nice? Or was he only trying to scare me; why did he feel like something would go wrong?

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