Chapter 14

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"Okay, I've taught you how to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and now it's time for the fun part:dessert." It was officially Thanksgiving break and Dylan had taken off earlier to spend it with his relatives. Since Eli was my babysitting substitute again, we were finding ways to fight our boredom. Of course it had taken a good bit of arguing since Eli insisted making out was the best way to spend our time, but eventually he'd cracked. I was taking out all Mom's baking stuff, which really I considered mine since I used them more than she did but whatever, while Eli sat at the island, staring at me with an amused expression.

"Something funny?" I ask, reaching under the counter to grab flour.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just using this moment as a sneak peak of our future. You know you'll be doing most of the cooking once we're married, because I won't be much help." I place my palms on the counter, leaning close to him with a smirk of my own.

"Oh, Eli, I'd sooner marry my own sister before marrying you."

"First of all, that's disgusting," his face contorts to display his revulsion, "and second of all, just you wait, you'll be eating those words soon." I roll my eyes and back away.

"Are you just gonna sit there or are you going to help me?"

"Well, I'm really enjoying sitting here and I'm betting I'm on clean up duty so it wouldn't be fair of you to make me help now would it, Angelface?"

"Actually I was thinking we could clean together but since you insist-" I don't finish the sentence before he rushes into the kitchem to help me. With a triumphant smile on my face, I grab the mixing bowl and start mixing ingredients to make cupcakes. Eli comes up behind me, so close I can feel his breath on my neck. I tense up, but continue whisking.

"Huh," I feel his cool breath tickling my skin, "you might think I'm really stupid but I never would have guessed cupcakes were made from this stuff." I chuckle, finally satisfied with the batter, and begin spooning it into the cupcake pan.

"Where did you think they came from?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe they were just there, you know kind of like stuffed animals." I turn, staring at him like he'd just sprouted a tail.

"I can only imagine your reaction when you found out where babies came from."

"You know, they actually never told me, care to enlighten me?" Seeing my horrified expression, he laughs. "I'm kidding. Though they really didn't tell me, I learned the hard way."

"I don't even want to know." I say, placing the pan into the oven and turning back towards the mixing bowl.

"What're you making now?" He asks, when I start mixing together baking powder, cocoa mix, and other ingredients. I pour the mix into the kitchen aid and let it do the steering.

"Frosting." I reply, cleaning my hands and starting to load the dish washer. Eli practically shoves me out of the way, but I don't complain. I pull myself onto the counter and watch him, grinning at how out of place he looks. When he does, he pulls out cleaning spray and cleans up the mess I made, finishing by sweeping up all the flour. He surprises me when he sets the broom down and walks over to me, positioning himself between my legs.

"So we have to wait for the timer to go off before we can have frosting?" I run my fingers through his curls.

"Well if you're good I'll let you lick the bowl."

"But I'd rather be licking-" I shove him away and hop off the camera, turning off the kitchen aid.

"If you finish that sentence I'll cut off your tongue and you won't be able to lick anything for the rest of your life."

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