Chapter 25

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"...but I get it, he's just a teenager you know, he doesn't want to be tied down." I continued rummaging through the multi-colored underwear with Ashlyn, who had to do some last minute shopping before the dance. After gushing over Eli's propoal, I'd broken the news that Jared wasn't going to be taking her to the dance. She insisted she was cool about it, but her eyes and body language sold her out.

I tried to convince her that Jared was no good and she should take her loyalty elsewhere but she was stuck on him. I just wish Jared would wake up and see that; she deserved better.

"And you're completely fine with that?" She looks up at me, shoving the underwear aside so that she's looking me directly in the eye.

"No, to tell you the truth I'm not. But I'll wait for him, Javiéra, as long as it takes. Because he's worth it. Maybe you don't get it, but he's really important to me. "

"I know he is," I say, "but I think you're only going to hurt yourself in the long run. What if you keep waiting for something that's not coming back?" She tilts her head, looking me with an expression that was a mix of hurt and determination.

"You don't understand. It's like you and Eli. You're head over heels for the guy, JJ. But he's leaving. And chances are, he's not coming back for a while. But you'll wait for him, not because you think you're nothing without him but because life is better with him. He's gonna be famous JJ. There's going to be more attractive girls fawning over him than the girls at Ridgewood. And because he's still young and vulnerable, chances are he'll fall for some of them too. But you're going to keep hoping that it won't last and that he's going to come back even though in the back of your mind, you know it's useless. Do you know why?"

I bite my lip, continuing my 'search for the perfect undergarments' just to avoid eye contact. Of course I know why. And she knew why too. I wonder if Eli knows why.

He can't.

Because if he did, he wouldn't go. Or maybe he would, I don't know.

"These are perfect." Ashlyn gushes, holding up a pair of thin blue lace underwear. "What do you think?"

"I think you're trying too hard Ashlyn." I say, softly. The one person she wanted to go to the dance with didn't even ask her, yet we had been in this store for over an hour because she insisted on finding the perfect lingerie. "No offence, but, you're not even going with Jared so why does it matter what underwear you're wearing?"

"Easy," she said, flipping the price tag over, "because you're going to call that hot hunk of a guy friend that lives in New Mexico over and we're going to go to the dance together. That way I can make Jared jealous and he'll see what he's missing out on."

"You mean Deuce?"

"That's the one." She grins. I shake my head.

"I don't that's a good idea. Jared doesn't-" I bite my tongue, not wanting her to snap at me. "I mean, even if that idea was a good one, it's not possible. The dance is in a few hours and there's no way I can get them here on such short notice."


"Yeah." I reply. If indeed I did invite Deuce of course the invite would be extended to Ashley. It's just how it works.

"Oh right. Your best friend. Well, just leave that to me. I just need you to ask them. Please?" She begged with a pleading look in her eyes and I sigh.

"I guess I can do at least that. But we have a half hour before we miss our hair appointment so can you please hurry along?" She beams, grabbing the underwear and heading to check out. I frown, blinking to make sure I'm seeing correctly. Just that single pair of underwear costed nearly $40. Ashlyn thanked the woman and we headed to the car. I buckled in and she backed out.

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