Chapter 23

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"...maybe we could hit up Victoria's Secret too so I can get me some sexy lingerie-" Ashlyn stops talking as I pull of bouquet of roses from my locker. "Ooh whose are those from?" I flip the card over.

"Some guy named Robert."

"Boo." Ashlyn pouts, clearly disappointed. The approaching Winter Dance, which would occur this Saturday had taken its toll on the students at Ridgewood. I'd been asked to the dance by guys (and girls) who'd never even held a conversation with me. Nevertheless, I'd promised to save them all a dance.

I smell the roses and smile; they do smell pretty good.

"So?" A guy with brown curly hair and light brown eyes approaches me with a shy smile.

"You're Robert?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah." He says, his eyes shining with hope. Robert isn't unattractive, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he's hot. He's cute in an adorable way, kind of like Dylan and Max.

"Well, my question to you, Robert, is how do you know the combination to my locker?"

"Oh, um," he scratches the back of his neck, blushing slightly. "I don't. My dad's the janitor, I asked him to open it for me." He sighs, "Gah, I should've known that might come off as creepy."

"Yeah, maybe a little." I chuckle, "but it's more sweet. And you seem like a sweet guy Ryan-"

"Robert." He corrects.

"Yeah, that's what I said, but um, I can't be your date to the dance." His expression falls. "But, I do promise to have at least one dance with you before the night's over." He shakes his head.

'No, that's fine. You know, I already knew tons of guys were gonna ask you I just thought I'd test my luck. Thanks for not shooting me down too bad."

"Do you want your flowers back?" He smiles.

"No, they're for you. I'll uh, see you around." He waves goodbye to me and acknowledges Ashlyn with a nod. I shove the flowers into my locker and shut it.

"Okay, what gives?" Ashlyn demands.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Not a single soul has uttered a word to me about the dance while at least a hundred guys have asked you and you keep turning them down. What the hell?" She actually sounds offended and I can't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Hey JJ." Dylan interrupts me.

"Hi, Dylan." I say, smiling gratefully. I'm sure Ashlyn knows the reason I keep turning everyone down but then again, she's kind of oblivious.

"So, um, the winter dance is coming up." I smirk.

"Is that supposed to be a subtle attempt at asking me?"

"Depends," He chuckles. "What would your answer be?"

"I thought you were dating Bella. Why not bring her?"

"Again, sorry about ditching you that day." His cheeks color with embarassment, "but we're not exactly dating. Besides I can't really bring her anyway the girls here kind of hate her so it wouldn't be any fun for either of us."

"Well I'm flattered that I would be your second option for prom," From the corner of my eye, I see Eli at his locker, surrounded by a bunch of girls but giving me the stink eye. I frown.

What the hell did I do?

"But?" Dylan questions. I blink, trying to remember what we were talking about.

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