Chapter 9

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I am going to kill him. Nothing, could save him from my wrath. Not his good looks, not his overly sexual comebacks. Hell, even if it meant the revival of my dad, he was still a dead man. I grabbed the steel baseball bat from the corner of my closet and crept downstairs. Eli was currently asleep on the couch, his hair disheveled but in a cute way.



I pick up the baseball bat and get into a stance. Just as I swing, his eyes fly open and he rolls of the couch screaming like a maniac. The bat just misses his head and I grit my teeth in rage. He rolls over and gets to his feet, putting his hands out in surrender.

"Whoa, Javiéra, I don't know what I did. But whatever it is I'm sorry." I laugh evilly.

"It's too late now to say sorry."

"Come on, whatever I did I'm sure it was an accident. Is this about the chinese food because I'll buy you some if you want. I'll buy you all the chinese food you want for the rest of your life just, let's think about what we're doing here." I laugh at his pleading.

"I don't want your chinese food, Eli." I put my finger on my chin. "On second thought, if you somehow manage to survive this I'll take you up on that offer." He continues to step back while I step forward. He corners himself, backing straight into the kitchen wall. I can see the fear in his eyes as I step closer.

"Come on, Angelface. Remember what a great time we had yesterday. If you kill me, we'll never have a day like that again." I smile, now less than 2 inches away from him.

"Lucky for me you're easily replaceable."

"That really hurt, Angelface. Really, that hit me right-" In one swift movement, he pries the bat out of my hand and turns so that I'm against the wall and he's pinning me against it. "That's much better, don't you agree. Now, mind telling me why you're trying to kill me?"

"You raided my snack stash." I say, beyond pissed because no matter how much I squirmed I couldn't get out of his hold. He frowns at me, then has the nerve to laugh.

"That's what this is about?" Seeing my deadly glare, he tries to clean up his words. "Okay, fine, I'm sorry. I got hungry last night so I came into your room-stop looking at me like that, I said hungry not horny. Anyway, I came into your room because while I was trying on your dresses I found your stash. I didn't think you'd notice, you're a small girl, I didn' should just know that I fully intended to replace them." I laugh menacingly, seeing Eli's calm expression change into a horrified one.

"Intend. You intend to replace my snacks. Grab your wallet, puto, we're going shopping." Giving him one last look, I grab my 'Wicked' crop top from the closet, a pair of distressed skinny jeans, polka dot bra and underwear and shower. Before heading downstairs, I flat iron my hair and put on a snapback. I hear a honk come from outside and grab my purse, a triumphant smile on my face. I climb into Eli's car; of course it has to be a lamborghini.

"Enjoying the ride, Angelface?" He asks, breaking the silence that lasted about ten seconds.

"Stela's is better." I lie. Stella does have a lamborghini, but it's an older model. I've only ridden in it once and it was no fun because the whole time she was nagging me and going under the speed limit. Eli, like me, seemed to be going twice the speed limit.

"How come you don't have a car?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"Drove it through the front of the mall." I state, as if I was telling him the sun rose this morning. He chuckles.

"I'm really starting to fear you, Angelface."

"Why's that?" I ask, smiling at the compliment.

"You seem to have a knack for trying to kill people."

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