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Ashton's POV

Same old same old, she wasn't here. The bad girl, the one I barely knew before we we're seated next to each other in Spanish class. The girl with the dazzling eyes and the wide smile, the cheeky attitude and the sarcastic voice.

But me? She doesn't know who I am. She probably doesn't even give a damn about me.

"Get out of the way Ashley" the muscular jock spat as he shoved me aside in attempt to gain attention from the hallway.

"Its Ashton" I corrected.

Ashton Irwin, I've been on this earth for nearly 18 years. I'm not going to lie, they've been the worst years of my life. When I was 2 years old, my dad left. He just walked out like the complete jerk that he is. How could he leave a working woman with a 2 year old baby who needs attention all of the time. My brother and sister have a different dad, one that didn't leave and actually stuck around. He hates me but I don't care about it. School began when I was 4, well nursery. I loved napping in the comfortable lounge whilst other children played in the sandpit outside. Primary school? It was okay. High school? Before I had moved, it was good. After I had moved.. It was the worst time of my life.

Having no friends and being alone and always being quiet is horrible. I'm a nobody in this place, the highlight of my day is being told to get out of the house by my step dad so that I can sit in the garage on my broken drum stool and just let out my anger whilst beating the drums and singing.. Well screaming..

I thought nothing good would ever happen for me..

Until I first laid eyes on the girl who was the type of person my mum warned me about..


Okay first chapter of this book, hope you like it x

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