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Danielle's POV

*2 months later*

"Okay Danielle, we've been through this.. just answer these questions.. I know that you can do it" Ashton mumbled whilst pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

I looked up at him and watched him roll his eyes at me when he realised that I was stalling and that I didn't want to complete these questions. I was too infatuated with the way that Ashton's hair had cute little curls which bounced every time he moved his head. It was so hard to resist the urge of me running my fingers through his soft looking hair.

"Danielle Edwards!" I stared wide eyed at the boy in front of me and couldn't comprehend a sentence.

"Do you need me to call someone?"

I shook my head and snorted. I looked back down at the page in front of me and tapped my pen against it whilst trying to remember everything that Ashton had taught me whilst he had been assigned to be my tutor.

"Can I take a break?" I whined.

"I've been with you for 5 minutes... you don't need a break"

"Ashy.." I whispered whilst walking my fingers towards the top of his shoulder and stared into his stunning eyes.

I sighed in defeat when I realised that this plan to procrastinate was not working in my favour. I began to write down answers to the questions once I had managed to get myself into a motivated mind frame.


"I think I'm finished Ash"

I handed the paper to him and watched his eyes shift as he read every word that I had written. The corners of his lips started to turn up which gave me the impression that I had done something right and that he was pleased with me.

After a few minutes he decided that he had to leave to do something for his family which was understandable. I helped him to gather his things and walked him towards the door and thanked him for his help and support during the day. I looked up at him and gazed into his eyes for a few moments before snapping myself out of my thoughts when he started to talk.

"I knew you could do it, not such a bad girl are we?" he smiled.

"Oh Ashton Irwin, you have no idea" I smirked and closed the door and leant my back against it whilst taking a breath and deciding what I should do with the rest of my day.

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