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-Ashton's POV-

"As your literature exam is in a couple of weeks, I decided that it would be best to test your skills and I would like you to answer the sample question to the best of your ability in an essay style, it will be due in on Monday. " Mr Deakin handed papers around the class and I sighed as I realised that I would be sitting an official exam very soon and I was no way near prepared.

"Who even likes literature, besides the nerds?" Scott snorted.

"As a matter of fact, I happen to love literature. So, I suggest you shut the fuck up before I make you" Danielle's voice growled from beside me. Her brown eyes shot daggers across the class room as she made eye contact with Scott following his previous remark.

"Miss Edwards, get out of my class. I'm not tolerating that sort of language in here" Mr Deakin pointed to the classroom door, she sighed and stormed out of the room. The sound of her signature door slam echoed around the silent room.


The bell rang and I had grown to love that sound over the past few weeks where I felt that everything was getting harder to cope with. Having insults thrown at you as well as physical attacks, its just hard to deal with.

"Hey Ashton?" said a small voice.

I turned around and met eyes with Danielle, I stepped back a little just to make sure that nobody would attack me for standing too close to her. My eyes were wide and my heart was pounding against my chest.

Why was she talking to me?

"Did anyone say anything about me after I got sent out?" She asked whilst chewing on some gum.

I shook my head no and I watched a small smile appear on her innocent looking face.

"Good. I won't have to hurt somebody today" She laughed and unclenched her fists.

I stepped back a little more until my back collided with the wall, after probably making a fool out of myself I weakly smiled at her and hoped that she would walk away so that I could catch my breath again.

"Relax!" She laughed and leant forward to kiss my cheek causing my cheeks to suddenly become incredibly hot. "I'm not going to hurt you".

"yeah, well I will!" A loud voice yelled from the doorway, startling us both.

Calum Hood, her boyfriend or whatever he was, came towards us with his fists clenched and narrow eyes.

"Fuck off Calum, I was just talking to him" Danielle spat as she shoved his shoulder.

He pushed her backwards using a lot of strength causing her to topple backwards until she fell against the wall. Her back slid down it and she covered her face with her hands.

I stepped towards him whilst his eyes were fixated on her small body. My fist collided with his cheek and I knew that I was going to get into trouble for doing this but he shouldn't have hurt her.

Calum faced me again and let a bitter laugh escape his lips. He rolled his sleeves up and clenched his fists as he began to punch my body in multiple places. Luckily, my abs stopped most of the pain but a knee to the crotch definitely ended my chances at hurting him. I fell to the floor and curled up in a ball to shield my sensitive areas.

He continued to kick me and punch me until things started to go black. A few more blows to the head were received before I blacked out completely in the middle of the hallway.

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