Chapter 2 - Emily

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A knock on the door startles me and the pen I was marking these tests with goes flying across the current page. With a miserable groan, I take in the massive scribble that's run across one of my student's handiwork and I have to wonder if that means I give her extra marks or something. It's only my first year of teaching and I clearly have a long way to go. I look up to see Mr. Felds, the art teacher across my classroom, standing there with a sheepish grin on his face.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He winces slightly and blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Don't worry about it, I'm pretty clumsy." I mumble. And isn't that the truth. He smiles a bit more confidently and steps inside the class. I have to wonder why he's here. Despite it being 2 weeks since I've started my job here I haven't socially branched out to my co-workers. It takes me lots of time before I can get comfortable with someone and 2 weeks is definitely not enough. Still, I offer what I hope is a reassuring smile as he walks up to my desk, and I clasp my hands on my desk.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Felds?" I ask politely. Always polite, always to the point. Words my father lives by.

"Please, call me Tim." He insists with a smile. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, knowing a first name basis puts us at a friendship status and I doubt that's where we are. I oblige anyways, figuring I could use at least one friend while I'm here.

"Tim," I repeat emphatically and he smiles even larger. "What can I help you with?"

"I was on my way out and noticed you were still here. Usually I'm the last one to lock up, so I was surprised to see someone else had stayed behind longer than me." He explains. This time it's my turn to smile sheepishly.

"Just trying to get caught up on marking. I'm hoping to stay on top of my game cause frankly, teaching is more nerve-wracking than I thought." I admit. Tim offers a sympathetic smile.

"That's more than understandable. May I give a word of advice?"

"Of course," I nod eagerly.

"Familiarity. The more people you know in this facility, the easier it'll be to have someone to back you up when things get too hectic."

"I had a feeling you'd say that." I grimace. "I'm just not a very social person."

"Nonsense," Tim declares with a wave of his hand. "We're getting along just fine. You can confide in me anytime and I'll even introduce you to the rest of the faculty."

"Really?" I ask hopefully. I didn't expect to make an unintentional allie but I'm all kinds of grateful for Tim's offer.

"Of course, Ms. Resnick."

"Emily," I correct, figuring I should reciprocate on the the first name basis.

Tim beams at me with a large grin that reveals a set of perfecectly straight and white teeth, and I can't help but notice he's an attractive man. Taller than me by a few inches, he has light brown hair that's combed to perfection and easy brown eyes. He's dressed in a crisp suit that outlines his lean figure graciously. I'd guess he's not too far from my 23 years of age. Simply put, Tim is exactly the kind of man I'd go for. Crisp, put-together, and sincere. I'm suddenly self concious that he's reaching out to me of all people. I'm not exactly unattractive but I'm not very confident in my looks either.

"It's getting late. Would you like me to walk you to your car?" He offers. I hesitate, wondering if he has ulterior motives but immediately chastise myself for jumping to conclusions. So instead I tell him yes and begin packing up my things while Tim patiently waits for me. We exit the school together and make small talk on the way to my car. When we get there, I thank Tim for his generosity and turn to unlock the passenger side when he stops with a gentle hand on my arm.

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