Chapter 4 - Emily

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I silently curse in my head as I hear it again. My students look up from their sheets and around the classroom and I know they hear it too. Shit.

I try not to fidget or draw attention to myself. A few silent seconds tick by and my students go back to work. I breathe a sigh of relief as I try to concentrate on marking the rest of their journals. I already skipped lunch just to get a head start. Thinking of the food in my bag that should've been eaten by now, my stomach gives another groan of protest. A loud one. I shut my eyes in embarrassment and continue mentally cursing. My students seem to have figured out that the noise is coming from me as all eyes regard me warily.

"Ms. that you?" One of them finally speaks up. I bite my lip in hesitation and wonder if I should explain that I haven't eaten since morning when my stomach yet again goes off. Agitation consumes me and I slam my pencil down.

"I can't take it anymore!" I burst out and my students startle.

"I know I have a strict 'no eating in class' policy but I need something in my system." I rush to defend myself when I see the kids look slightly petrified.

I open up my purse to snatch the small bag of chips I had reserved for my cheat day. Screw it. Cheat day was now. I practically rip the bag open in my haste to get to the glorious contents inside. I just about grab a handful of chips before unceremoniously dumping them in my mouth. When that first taste of salty and crunchy goodness hits my tongue I can't stop the loud moan that escapes.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus, that's good." I mumble around a mouthful.

I practically inhale the rest of the bag and it takes literal minutes before I've made my way to the bottom, tipping the entire bag back against my mouth so I get in every last crumb. It isn't until I crumple up the bag, throw it in the trash can beside my desk, and wipe my mouth with a quick swipe of my hand that I feel remotely human again. I also feel a pair of 20 eyes on me and look up to my students all staring, jaws agape. An awkward silence follows where no one in the class speaks and I try to bring myself to feel shameful. Nope. Not happening. That was far too satisfying. Which is why, instead of apologizing, I merely tell my students "We're all going to act like that never happened, okay? It was just a weak moment."

They nod their heads slowly and I give a quick and curt one back. They're still in a rare moment of silence except for a slight mumble in the back that sounds awfully like, "dude, she's awesome." I calmly get back to marking and pray that the end of the day would just show itself.

On cue, the bell rings and I exhale in relief as my students start gathering their things. Sounds of papers shuffling and bags zipping fill the room as they leave the class, chattering on. I start collecting my belongings as well, not particularly eager to stay behind today. In fact, I was sure I could use a bit of relaxing. I haven't given myself a day off since I started teaching. The class is emptied out and I'm just about ready to leave when Tim pops his head in. The smile on his face slips a little when he sees me all packed up.

"Leaving so soon?" He asks. I can't help but note the disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah," I agree solemnly. "It's been a long day." And I'm still hungry.

"Are you okay?" He asks with evident concern, peering closely at my face. Afraid he might catch a few remnants of food around my mouth, I hastily step back.

"Of course," I say quickly. I can tell he doesn't believe me so I rush to defend myself. "I just didn't catch too much sleep last night." Which is half the truth. I was up for quite a while, just thinking and not being able to shut my brain down.

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