Chapter 19 - Jaxon

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"Are you okay, Daddy?" Lizzie's sweet and concerned voice calls out.

I  lean to my left so that I can see where she's lounging on one of the gym's benches and offer her a reassuring grin over Asher's shoulder,

"I'm fine, baby. Daddy's a strong man." I wink and she giggles a little.

I turn my focus back to Asher and place my gloved hands in front of my face, preparing to dodge future hits so that Lizzie doesn't have to worry. It's her first time watching me fight in person and I guess it's different than watching me on TV. She definitely seems more scared each time she watches me take a hit when I'm mere inches away from her. I honestly wouldn't have bought her if I wasn't trying to spend all of today and tomorrow with her.

My next match is taking place in San Francisco and I'm going to have to fly over there to attend it. This is the first time I'm going to be completely away from Lizzie and it's wigging me out. I'm not prepared to spend three days without my daughter. I trust Greta with my life but I haven't left Lizzie's side once since she was born and I'm reluctantly as fuck to start now. So I'm dedicating the two days before my departure for some one-on-one time with my little girl. Between my job and boxing, it's been hard to see her often and I promised I wouldn't do that to her the way my own parents did.

I break out of my thoughts when I see Asher's fist coming towards my chin, and jerk away just in time. My left hand comes up and knocks his jaw with jab after jab until the force of them causes him to lose his footing. He falls onto his ass, braced against the floor by leaning up on his elbows, and spits out a tendril of blood over the side of the mat.

"Yay, Daddy!" Lizzie cheers and I kiss my glove before raising it towards her. She blows me a kiss back, falling into a fit of giggles because she knows the gesture is for her.

"I'd be kicking ass too if I had a cute as fuck little girl cheering for me." Asher grumbles.

"Stop swearing around my daughter." I bark before helping him up.

"Look at you, such a responsible dad and all." He singsongs but is cut off when I bring out my leg to kick under his knee, causing him to fall. Again. He lands on his ass. Again.


"Watch it." I smirk down at him, pointedly stepping away from his outstretched hand.

"Asshole." He curses under his breath.

"I heard that." I thwack his head as I pass him and make my over to Lizzie.

"Someone's got his mojo back." Asher calls from behind me.

And he's damn right.

I've spent nearly every waking hour that I can training. These last two weeks alone have consisted of more training than since I started boxing in the first place. I've set up a new work schedule so that I'm working during the hours I usually take my afternoon naps. Granted, I only get four hours of sleep a day now but it's worth it. I'm up before the sun is up and I train until I have to work. After my shift I drive right back to the gym and train until Coach kicks me out for staying too long. Every morning my muscles scream in protest from how hard I've been working my body but I never stop pushing. I'm at my peak of fitness, never having been healthier, faster, or more agile. I've taken down all the guys in the gym after sparring with them over the span of these two weeks and I continue to spar with them as a form training.

I can't afford to lose again. I can't let anyone down again. I don't think I can mentally handle any more disappointment or failure derived from me. My previous loss looms over my head and mocks me from the countless amount of times I've watched my fight. I've analyzed and studied every mistake I made in that fight and what I should've done instead. I've researched my next opponent's fight strategies and styles, making notes on all his matches and discovering any common patterns or tells that might help me. I've been living and breathing nothing but preparation for my next fight. I can't afford to lose. The future of my daughter and I depends on it. And I so desperately need a future that will finally break me of my past.

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